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nunch98 last won the day on October 13 2023

nunch98 had the most liked content!


423 "They call it a Royale with cheese"


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    to upset the Wolf by having a silly line here

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  1. I am 2-1 down in stoppage time and was looking on how to do it, apparently very attacking and it decideds for you if he's coming up for the set piece
  2. I know there's been some abuse here and whether you took it upon yourself or were scheduled to appear in this thread we appreciate you coming here and speaking to us about how the sausage is made
  3. I remember this being pointed out as one of the things they fixed, making it clear when signings for positions alleviate squad concerns
  4. Hi, Haaland is showing as 2 appearances in premier league and 1 goal, when going to view previous meetings with the team it shows he scored 4 against me (current season).
  5. Have to say FM24 is very realistic as MUFC so far I haven't had enough time to give meaningful feedback but will be back hopefully after the weekend. Hope everyone thinks the slog of our speculation thread was worth it I guess i could add I think "your world" is great and i dont see how i ever played the game on original, especially with the new ways to offload players it allowed me to get an extra 120 million to complete the transfers from 7 players and finally have a team you can own in the first season
  6. I have a problem too. Anyone want to go past my house and turn on the machine?
  7. Any game would have that section, I'd try restarting steam and checking if the key you got includes beta
  8. I managed less... I at least know I'm not crucial to the business and no one will mind me being "sick" the next week
  9. One of these threads we'll all exchange steam profile information and be able to look in the corner of the screen when one of us boots up a game and think "these dudes are just as crazy as I am"
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