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Ferocious289 last won the day on October 30 2022

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476 "They call it a Royale with cheese"

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  1. It can be done but there is no doubt they are souped up and been so far years on fm comparative to how they perform irl
  2. team meetings serve a purpose use them to encourage the team if they go through a slump
  3. It can be done, you just have to make sure your set up is more conservative especially away from home so go on the defensive and adopt a mid block, because they are always going to come at you and leave gaps at the back for good attacking players to exploit. They may have possession but if you have he right players for your system your team will end up being more clinical. Only thing you can't account for is the random penalties, 1st shot 1st goal along with the sending offs, just write the game off at that point lol
  4. I think Liverpool are far worse on the game, they are supercharged and dominant like no other, guarenteed to concede a penalty and a red card against them if the game is tight, to make sure you get shafted even though irl they are slowly regressing as a force.
  5. Most of the bugs have already been reported and to be honest with you, I'm not really tech savy on how to upload pkms and show hightlights of the game and such though I uploaded a save file during the beta which was pretty easy. For example when I last played the game I lost a game due to having a legit goal ruled out by VAR which was in no way offside and in the same game conceded a penalty afterwards which my player fairly won the ball which cost me the match. I wanted to report it but had no idea how to record the match and upload it But yes I will if can find time to post bugs but I rarely play the game much to go over the issues simply because there are these issues and I'm waiting for the winter patch til start a new save. As for being rude that's your opinion, sometimes I can get annoyed but I always try to be courteous when engaging my points with others.
  6. I don't think the game has to look like fifa, I don't think many people are asking for fifa graphics, they just want better immersion and be taken away from the fact they are watching stickmen juggle a ball. The sound pack mod shows what can be done with the atmosphere during games, where you can actually hear the ball being thumped, stadium announcer, the sound of the woodwork being hit and different anthems. Without it it's dead and you are subjected to bright green pixelled pitches that look like something out of minecraft. Hopefully the introduction of woman's football will introduce new dimensions to the in game mechanics along with graphical enhancements which showcase the difference between player models bettter. Really there should be a night and day difference from 2017 graphics and 2023 graphics but there isn't any in fact it's regressed and seems the attention to detail is missing in the art work.
  7. It's very frustrating hearing people try to defend the indefensible and talk down to people who want the game to be better. I will hold my tongue but it's not the first time I've been patronised on here and seen others getting snidy responses. At the end of the day it's just a game and not worth stressing over just don't understand why criticism with a game that is riddled with issues is recieved with heavy opposition.
  8. Do you realise people paid money for the game or does that go over your head? You're ok with the idea of customers apologising to a company for daring to highlight issues in the game, but you not ok with the idea of a multi million company issuing an apology for releasing a game where AI teams don't develop youth players, in game stutter lag to the point where many players can't even play the game because it's their version is not fit for purpose and defenders can't cope with long balls over the top from goalkeepers? Individuals like you are the reason why the game does not have any innovation and instead we get glorfied dlc animation update charged at full price
  9. He apologised again at the end of the video and explained he didn't want to ruffle a few feathers, well it's about time some feathers were ruffled considering how many area's of game are half baked and don't work as intended. I'm talking about AI player development, illogical player interaction, ridiculous repetitive press conferences that you can anticipate the questions off by heart The ridiculous defending where you see players mis jump a simple ball played over their head or legit goals ruled off side by VAR. Pointing school boy errors in the game should not have to be accompanied by an apology, it's ridiculous and goes back to what another poster said, these people need to toughen up and learn not take criticism personally when critiqued. If someone isn't doing their job properly in the real world there are consequences you can't expect a raise if you overlooking fundemental objectives in your job role. Where is their apology?
  10. Great objective discussion breaking down the issues in FM though It's quite disturbing that Dijit feels he has to apologise in the opening of the video to SI for simply making a video outlining the flaws in the game
  11. The person/youtuber who did the work and put out a user friendly survey for fans of the game to give their feedback on the direction of the game, is now being discredited on here. I shared the survey on a few discord channels and ther reactions were only positive, it doesn't take long to complete and you don't have write full stories to explain what is you like and don't like in the game. On here people are saying its flawed, biased and making accusations that it was solely designed for people who dislike the game which is beyond harsh. The survey is designed for users to quickly give feedback on what they'd like see changing for the better without being asked ''how you sent a bug report'',I struggle to see how a survey with 8 page questionaire is less credible than the steam review system. The only advatange the steam feedback has it is clocks up how many hours a user has played the game but the feedback on there is mostly filled with line oners either about how much they love the game or how mucuh they hate the game, there is no balance
  12. The survey was good straignt the point, there was no ambiguous questions and asked the questions that mattered around the game. I can understand why SI wouldn't like it because outlines areas of the game where people find lacking and asking users exactly what they want in the game. You can't really complain about a survey being flawed when Miles takes the word of steam reviews where randoms are making comments such as ''best game ever'' and ''love it'' as feedback to how successful the game is.
  13. In the real world you're not limited to 8 generic shouts on the touchline
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