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themadsheep2001 last won the day on September 5

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16,208 "You've got two choices: go down the pit or work on an assembly line."


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  1. Alright, there's been too much sniping at each other, please cut it out now. Thanks.
  2. Id love it, but sceptical of leaks. Also need to see at alongside some ME footage at some point.
  3. If you disagree you disagree. All I can say its they have stuck in pretty much the same timeline they all have. Technically its actually one behind now with womens football at the top. Whether we see a different before who knows, but the match experience is pretty much where its historically been.
  4. Its not about an angle, its what they typically do and have done. Up to individuals to decide whether thats good or not
  5. I don't disagree but they will do their usual attempted balance of trying to get it out earlier, but also show it in best state possible. Which is why its usually not the first up. I think its 4th up?
  6. Its exactly the same, please dont tell me what i do and don't know thanks.
  7. I'm not debating whether its big or not, its the fact they leave it later because they like to showcase closer/newer builds of the ME
  8. The match engine isnt a first reveal and hasnt been for ages
  9. Im totally guessing here, but suspect anything like that will come under tactics so likely being kept for reveal in that section.
  10. Dont think ive ever seen the ME first up tbh. Usually a later reveal.
  11. Exactly. Its not insulting anyone's intelligence. I think those who have their views on what they need before a pre order, should be open to the fact there are those who dont care and choose to preorder anyway because thats what they like to. As @KillYourIdols has just demonstrated perfectly, although they are sailing very close to speculating
  12. The player base isn't a homogeneous block. If you don't want to pre order, then dont. Its not some massive insult. I dont pre order anything personally
  13. Why not? There are people on this very thread who have said they are going to preorder/buy the game anyway. That caters for those who will want do that. No one has to pre order the game, those who want more information/dont believe in the concept, can just wait. It's not like there are finite copies of FM and you're going to miss out by waiting
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