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  • Player search filters not working

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Need More Info Save Game: JM Villot - Welling United - Champions

    Description of issue

    I'm playing on Console for PC version via Microsoft (not Gamepass). Looking for players listed for loan in UK and Ireland who are over 18 years old, but the results are bring up a load of players based elsewhere and with no contractual (or nationality) ties at all to the UK region.

    Additinally, sometimes, though not always, I'll have the view set to 'contract' or 'physical', then click on one player to look at him. When I back out, the view has reset to 'overview' which is annoying too. This seems pretty random as to when it happens.





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    No reply? Still going on.... Filters looking for CMs that are bringing up pure strikers, or £40 players when I have a max value set at £1 mill... as well as the details mentioned above where I'm getting offered players based abroad when I just need UK + Ireland players as per my filters.

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    @Dan Sheppard Sure - I can upload them as I encounter it; it's intermittent. Right now I have a video where my search for centre mids brings up some centrebacks and left backs who cannot play CM at all. What's the best way to upload and add to this thread?

    I also get a thing where I could select 'interested' but pretty much everyone decent turns down the loan. Is that a bug too?


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    On 13/12/2023 at 10:11, Dan Sheppard said:

    I imagine the file size may be large so please send it via Owncloud here and provide us with the filename.

    I've uploaded the first one - it's called: "Centre backs and left backs in CM search.mp4"

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    @dansheppard I've just uploaded another called 'Top prem players interested in move to Non-League.mp4' which appears to show that the 'interested?' tab doesn't work at all. All these players seem to appear when I add a position to the search filters i.e. normal when just 'loanees', unrealistic when asking to show me same list but narrowed down to a position. Do not believe my 'ands' and 'ors' are to blame in the filter fields. Have uploaded another video called, "Adding position makes unrealistic players appear.mp4".

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