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  • Disappearing World Knowledge panel inside new/edit recruitment focus pane

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    Description of issue

    When you would like to assign scouts manually to a recruitment focus job, there is a world knowledge column that shows how many nation each scout familiar with. There is an "i" button right before the nation counts. Clicking on it should trigger a pop-up panel, that lists all nations and knowledge levels for the selected scout. The panel appears for a moment (sometimes does not at all), but immediately disappears along with the parent panel (where you select scouts).

    Also, I noticed, when you have more than 2 (at least 3) scouts assigned and trying to deselect one of them, the game will deselect all of them except one.
    Both of the issues above are all the same with the Assigned Analyst panel.

    Perhaps, it's not belonging here, but it belongs fully to the knowledge of scouts:
    Scouting Coverage ---> Scouting Assignments ---> World Knowledge ---> Nations tab
    There is also a pop-up over the map that shows which scout of the pool is the main knowledge source for a certain nation. It would be a huge help and less tearing-hair-out, if this panel would show all the scouts who has any level of knowledge for the selected nation. I jumped into 24 from 16, so I'm getting familiar with the changes implemented, but I can assure you, I was no joke regarding scouting. I reached a steady 95% of World Knowledge with the help of excel tables and continuous, grueling work, despite the obvious flaws in the mechanics.

    Nevertheless, I feel relieved that you removed the percentage of overall World Knowledge, because it forced me to squeeze every percentage that I could and it was an enormous job to maintain.


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