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  • Players are not swapping in Tactics page

    Illegal Granny Slides

    Description of issue

    During the match if you try to swap the positions of the players, itactually does not work. The players do not swap the positions like they are supposed to which leads to accidental substitutions of the wrong players like shown in the video attached. 

    It made me think that my mouse was broken at first and that I was double clicking at first but it literally happened 6-7 times in the past couple of days and I can confirm that it is the game bugging out. 


    I uploaded the video to ownCloud with the name: 

    • 20230411-matchtacticsnotworking.mp4



    Desktop Screenshot 2023.11.04 -

    Desktop Screenshot 2023.11.04 -


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    On 06/11/2023 at 16:06, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, can you please upload your save file showing this.

    Can we also ask if this is every time? Or is it more sporadic?



    Sorry for the late reply. 

    Yes, this sadly happens quite often. Never happened to me in the previous games, but started with FM2024 beta. I hope it is resolved.


    The save file's name is: 

    • Lucas O'Connor - Unemployed (v03).fm
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