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  • Screenflow issues

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Need More Info Save Game: Alois Graf - Basel Scouting

    Description of issue


    I have a save with all the countries and leagues active and an custom database where every player is loaded in the game.

    I have gone thru and set up screen flow for every U23/U19 competition in every country.

    I have set them all up like this:


    However, I am not getting screenflow reports from many of these competitions.  As you can see I have the Italian U18 Division 1 set up, they played games today, but I did not see a screenflow popup:



    I *think* the save file is uploaded, please let me know if I need to upload it again.


    I am getting them for some of my Brazilian and African country entries, and a couple of times the Asian Cup ones popped up, but that is it.  I do not recall seeing this problem in previous versions of the game?


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    On 07/12/2023 at 09:24, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, is the issue is that some competitions are not showing up at all, or if they're just going to other screens?

    Hi Zach,


    None of the European competitions are showing up.  

    All of my South American ones are, and thats it.

    So, in the fall, when I should be getting results from the European competitions, and african and others, none of them are showing up. 

    Hope this helps, thanks for looking.



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