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  • Suddenly all my b team and u19 team options were removed from my game

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    Description of issue

    when i started my game I had taken responsibility of individual training of my youth teams which shows them in bottom left corner but when the season ended both of them 'b team' and 'u19 team' were removed from bottom left and were moved to dev centre and i thought it might be a glitch so i went to staff responsibilities to change the individual training but now all options for my youth teams are removed and even some of my first team selections are also removed. you can see in the pictures only the heading of b team and u19 is given with nothing below them.



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    I tried to change the training of vitor roque as he just joined the club and then they show me that my assistant is handling the training which i never selected so i clicked to take control and tried same thing on a barca b player then they both were there on bottom left but in staff responsibilities still the staff option for the youth teams is not showing, it shows individual training now but it doesnt show general training.




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    I have attached all my 3 files but i dont know if it will help because when i loaded it today it was back to normal.

    these are the names

    Usman Shahid - Barcelona (v02).fm

    Usman Shahid - Barcelona (v03).fm

    Usman Shahid - Barcelona.fm


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    same issue for me when managing bayern, i reloaded save once & i got the option to edit in staff responsibilities but on continuing, all options related to staff contracts and training when missing. also this issue started at season 2 start after B team got promoted to 3rd division

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    PFA the screenshot of change in staff responsibilities and no option for B team and U19s.  The change happens when leaderboards are shown and season ticks over.

    Uploaded save games as below

    Manas Rastogi - Bayern München staff responsibilities.fm - saved after the responsibilities changed as shown in screenshot

    Manas Rastogi - Bayern München (v02) - previous autosave before the change


    Uploaded files

    • Manas Rastogi - Bayern München (v02).fm
    • Manas Rastogi - Bayern München staff responsibilities.fm

    Screenshot (13).png

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    Even now it is still happening so many time in my game the option is removed and i have to restart the game to fix it.


    i have uploaded the save game it is "Usman Shahid - Barcelona.fm".




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