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  • Team Home Screen showing my leading scorer as nobody I have giving a trial to...

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Open Save Game: Ze Porto - Huelva 2037.08.29.fm

    Description of issue

    I just picked up a couple of trialists from tiny US clubs.  Now, on the top goal scorer, highest avg rating and most assists spot on my team home page it lists these guys.. because they had been racking up goals in the fake games the game generates stats from from tiny leagues.

    Probably a good move to make the game only count goals, assists, avg rating actually made for your team when showing your top scorer.  save file is Ze Porto - Huelva 2037.08.29.fm


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    Just realized how typo'd the header was haha.  Should read...  "Team Home Screen showing my leading scorer as a nobody I have given a trial to"

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