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  • Team selection doesn't work properly

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    why can I only choose one country when selecting a team? Always only the country where the start date was set when selecting the country. It's never been like that, I want to look at the teams later, compare them and then decide on a team. 

    In my example I can only select the teams from Germany...

    Please correct it urgently, thank you!! Several people have already written about it on the Internet (forums, YouTube, Discord)...


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    • SI Staff

    Hello, this is not a bug. This is working as intended according to the changes made this year to include Real World and Your World game modes.

    This is to prevent circumventing the link between transfers/budgets and start date. You are otherwise able to, for example, start a game in Brazil December 2022 with the DB accurate to Summer 2023.

    We will be making this change clearer in a future update.

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