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  • Tooltip persists and blocks other functionality

    • Files Uploaded: Screenshot Public Status: Under Review Screenshot:

    Description of issue

    The tooltip showing up in the club vision and expectations email does not always disappear when moving the cursor away (not 100% of the time, but if you move the cursor down from the i icon to hover over the tooltip itself, it often then stays in place when you move the cursor to another area on the screen, even when moving onto other emails.

    The persisting tooltip also blocks you from clicking any buttons that might show up in emails - specifically I found that the "Negotiate" and "Accept Current Vision" buttons further down the same email couldn't be clicked on. Neither could any buttons in other emails that you navigate to.

    The issue could only be resolved once going to a different tooltip in the same email, and this time moving the cursor in a different direction so that the new tooltip disappears in the proper way. Showing a new tooltip removes the old, persisting one, therefore resolving the issue.



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