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  • English text inside the Danish version

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game, Screenshot Public Status: Open Screenshot: Save Game: Liverpool game

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    English text inside the Danish version

    Screenshot from Salah comments

    Skærmbillede 2023-10-29 120341.png



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    And another example:

    "Achieve an average training rating of 7.5" = "Opnå en gennemsnitlig bedømmelse på 7.5"

    "Honour playing time pathway increase to Udkantsspiller" = "Løfte om forbedret aftalt spilletid til udkantsspiller"


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    Would want a long term contract until 30/6/2029 > Vil have en langsigtet kontrakt frem til 30/6/2029

    Would want a minimum free release clause of 900mio. kr which would expire on 1/9/2027 > Vil have en frikøbsklausul på minimum 900mio. kr, som udløber den 1/9/2027



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    In this example, there are English sentences as well.


    Why is Luke Chambers not featuring as a squad player whilst on loan? We made an agreement.

    Hvorfor spiller Luke Chambers ikke som en trupspiller, mens han er på lån? Vi lavede en aftale.



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