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  • Missing Translation Keys in example.ltf

    • Files Uploaded: Screenshot Public Status: Open Screenshot:

    Description of issue

    I found strings without corresponding keys in example.ltf

    • Türkiye
    • Maximum of 3 free transfer signings allowed. Players who have played at least 4 games in the same division are not allowed to be transferred.
    • [%team#1-short]{s} relentless attacking enterprise yielded the most goals ever in the [%comp#1-short] with a total of [%number#1].
    • [%team#1-short] set a new record for goals in {an}[%comp#1-short] season with [%number#1].
    • [%team#1-short] in [%comp#1-short] goal rush
    • Igbo
    • Hausa
    • No biography is available at this time.
    • Set Pieces Introduction
    • Set Pieces Induction

    Could you please provide the key number for these strings so I can manually update the file?


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    • SI Staff

    Thanks for the report. These have already been updated for a future version and will be translated. They had not been called correctly for translation but are now

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    I am a game language translator into Vietnamese
    This is when I leave the default English language



    And this is when I let the language get from example file 
    As you can see, the text has been lost "Set Pieces Introduction", and I tried to find that text on example.ltf but it didn't exist. I think the example file is missing sentences, please help me


    Edited by Nik D. Saint
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