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  • Issues with jobtitles

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    I usally i play with English as my language, but this time i wanted to try to use Norwegian because i played in my domestic league.  But i register some of the following errors on Norwegian translations. I have grouped the errors into 2 groups; Major errors and minor errors. Major errors should be fixed as soon as possible, but minor errors do not necessarily need to be fixed immediately. I have based this on norwegian terms and which terms are used in everyday speech. Alongside the suggested translation, there will also be a direct translation into English, so that my suggestions will be easier to understand. There where also some very minor errors that could be improved, but I don't think there's any point in addressing it right now, please feel free to get in touch if you want a to know more.

    And yeah, i have ticked as preferred Data Language.

    Major errors:

    The title "Manager" (Manager) should be "Hovedtrener" (Head Coach).

    The title "Assisterende Manager" (Assistant Manager) should be "Assistenttrener" (Assistant Coach).

    NOTE: The word "manager" is a english word, not a norwegian word. "Hovedtrener" is the correct norwegian term.

    The title "Hovedprestasjonsanalytiker" (Head Performance Analyst)  should be changed to "Analysesjef" or "Analyseansvarlig" (I prefer the first option).


    Minor errors:

    The title "Sportsdirektør" (Director of Football) should be changed to "Sportslig Leder".

    The title "Teknisk Direktør" (Technical Director) should be changed to "Administrativ Leder".

    The title "Sjef for Ungdomsutvikling" (Head of youth development) should be changed to "Utviklingsleder".

    The title "Låneansvarlig" (Loan Manager) should be changed to "Spillerutvikler".

    The title "Hovedfysioterapeut" (Head Physio) should be changed to "Sjef for fysioterapi" - Becuase it would be in the same grammatical style as "Sjef for idrettsforskning".

    The title "Fysio" (Physio) should be changed to "Fysioterapeut". 


    Other erros:

    On the screenshots i have provided, you will see in the box for "Trenerteam" (Coach Team) and "Rekrutteringsteam" (Recruitment Team), that some of the job titles lack a capital letter at the beginning of the word, while other words have a capital letter.


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