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  • Can't register players in B/C team

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Under Review Save Game: R.Madrid veloce.fm

    Description of issue

    I am currently managing Real Madrid and i have a lot of wonderkids that can't be registered in B or C team. My B or C team manager won't register those players even if they are spanish, under 20 and have low wages. I also can't do it manually at deadline. I tried to simulate one day but nothing changed. It's a big problem when you have a lot of good players that can't have space in your first team and cannot play in your second/third squad. 

    You have to simulate one or two hours and you can see by yourself that even if there is a messagge that tell you you can register players in A/B/C team, in reality you can't for the last two. 


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