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  • Message about allowed staf members - old limit of scouts

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    Description of issue


    The old limit of the number of scouts it always wrong. See the circle in red. 

    I noticed this in the past years too. First time it might be my mistake, so i didnt reported it instantly. But now it is year after year showing 1 too high. it should be shown as 14 in above example.

    Another way to see why it is really the wrong number: If a limit changes, the new limit is green (if the limit increased) or red (if the limit decreased) or just white (if it stays the same). The new limit is in white, so old limit = new limit. And based on my experience of previous years it is the old limit that is wrong.

    Note: At first i thought this was a translation issue, since i didnt play in English, but it also appears in English. 



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