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  • MLS registration issues

    hercules rockafeller
    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Resolved Save Game: HR345usamls

    Description of issue

    two issues so far in my MLS save - one was I had more international players than international slots, so I traded for international slots, but they disappeared almost immediately..... turns out any international slots (1 year or other) that I trade for disappear, but any permanent slots I trade for stick. should be an easy fix. 

    other one was I have 29 players in my squad and wanted to move a player from the B squad and register him, but it says I can't move them because I can only have 10 off-budget players in my squad. but when I go to look at the registration, the squad has 6 off-budget players. so I seem to have room in the squad and room in the off-budget to add him but I can't move a bunch of b team players. not sure if this one is a bug or weird mls rules...


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