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  • No family relationships in the game.

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Info Provided Save Game: Scotland Tullibody 28th Mar 2057.fm

    Description of issue

    I am using an edited database, (but I've also checked & others not using an edited database are experiencing the same issues). I think it's highly unlikely that the bug I'm reporting is linked in any way to the edited database. 

    The database I'm using linked the Scottish Lower Leagues to the Scottish Professional pyramid. 

    I started as Manager of Tullibody Community FC 1999 in what was Tier 13 of the edited database. I started the game with the Beta, (or early access as you like to call it now), and have played the game until March 2057, (so the recent Youth Intake was our 34th of this save). 

    I recently collated info on the surnames of the players who have come through the intakes, and I check every single player for a family link ever single season. 

    During the course of the save I have seen 12x Wilson, 7x each of Brass, Hogarth, Severin & Tomaszewski, 6x each of Fotheringham, McMullan, Reid, McManus, Smith & Weir, 5x each of Hilson, Martin & Niven, 4x each of Bonar, Davidson, Dick, Donald, Dunn, Hastings, Herron, Kelly, Kemp, McLean, Morrison, Murray, Robertson, Stewart & Thompson.

    Not a single one of these players, or any other player that came through our Academy via the Youth Intake had any sort of family link with any other player/staff member. 

    Even regularly checking players at other clubs, I could find not a single player in the whole database who had a family link with another player/staff member in the game. None. 

    I think this is highly unlikely to be related to the edited database. 
    It's possible that it was something that happened in the early access game but can't be resolved  without starting a new game, (although others playing similar style long-term games started after the full game was released have also experienced the same problem). 

    Would you mind letting me know if this is something you were aware of and if it's been resolved or not, (or not but it hopefully will in FM25). 

    Thanks in advance. :thup:

    ps. I have regular saves available all the way throughout my save if needed, but I don't expect you will find it hard to replicate this issue. 


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    Apologies, forgot to mention some context for this. 

    Tullibody is based in Alloa according to the game. 
    Alloa has a population of approx. 46,800 as of March 2021. 

    According to the latest data I can fine, there were 4,547 males under the age of 16 in Alloa, (again, as of 2021), and if we divide that by 16 it gives us an average of 284 males in Alloa at each age from 1-16. 

    There was 1 particular season, (2023/24) where wen had not 2 but 3 Fotheringham's in the same intake. 

    For us to get 3 players with the same surname through the intake and for them not to be related is quite frankly astonishing. 

    Andy Fotheringham was born in Alloa on 10th May 2009 and was Scottish only. 
    Matt Fotheringham was born in Alloa on 9th Feb 2009 and was Scottish with Irish as a 2nd Nationality. 
    John Fotheringham was born in Alloa on 30th Dec 2008 and was Scottish only.

    We're regularly had 2 players with the same surname in intakes, but on not 1 single occasion has there been a family link, either with eachother or anyone else. 

    Someone has advised me that it's possible that this feature has been done away with and is no longer in the game. That's such a shame if it is. It's something that presumably takes pretty little work and really does add depth to the game. Fingers crossed that's not the case. 

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    Hello @Jimbokav1971

    Using the example you posted of 'Fotheringhams'.
    Andy Fotheringham was born in Alloa on 10th May 2009 and was Scottish only.
    John Fotheringham was born in Alloa on 30th Dec 2008 and was Scottish only. - this is 6 months before Andy, so there is no biological way they could be brothers
    Matt Fotheringham was born in Alloa on 9th Feb 2009 and was Scottish with Irish as a 2nd Nationality - different family due to different nationality.
    So while these 3 people have the same surname there's no biological way they can be related (except for half brothers I guess, but we don't have that in game). A lot of the names you've listed are very common surnames and, if you play for a significant amount of time, you'll see them pop up more.
    The Father/son/brother thing is VERY rare in FM, as it is in real life. But it is still in game and still generates, it's just very, very rare. (You can see this example found on Reddit recently.)

    If you are using a 3rd party Database then that could of course have an impact/affect the game, especially if it's changing core parts of the DB.

    Screenshot 2024-05-29 111820.png

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    Hi @Zachary WhyteThanks for the info, but I'm not actually looking for Father/Son info. 

    I'm really looking at Brother relationships which I think should be far more common. Aren't they? 

    The example you've posted above is highly likely to be as a result of an edited database because neither of the teams exist in real life and the Grandfather now just happens to be managing the club at which the Father and Son play. (Highly unlikely I think you would agree). On top of that, the Son just so happens to have been good enough to earn himself almost 200 International Caps. Yeah right!

    I completely understand that the 3 Fotheringham kids were not related. Of course they aren't related. That's the point I'm trying to make.

    In Scotland as a whole you have a 1 in 57,560 chance of any kid being born with the surname Fotheringham. Yet I get 3 Fotheringham's through the same intake that aren't related? 

    If Alloa has a population of approx. 46,800 and there is a very approx. average of 456 children born each year, (approx 229 female and 227 male ), then for us to have 3 kids through the same intake out of the 227 male children born in Alloa, and for them NOT to be related, seems ridiculous. 3 out of 227 kids born in this area in this year and not related? It's not even a common name.

    3 out of 227. 

    1 out of 57,560

    Do you see what I mean? 


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    As mentioned above it is possible to get Brothers, Sons etc. But it is extremely rare, so there is no bug at play.

    But we can take your feedback on board and see if the rate can be increased in the future.

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