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  • shorter contracts

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    Description of issue

    Before talking about the contracts, I wanted to warn you that these warnings about calendar errors don't make sense, the calendar is insane, but it is insane in real life, in the past it was even more so (there was the "torneio incio" where there were more than 10 games IN ONE OR TWO DAYS).


    Now talking about the subject of contracts 

    teams that do not have a national division and only play in the state division (be it the first, second, third, fourth or fifth state division) make 3-month contracts only for the state period, because it does not make sense for a club to pay the salary for the all year to play only for 3 months or even less


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    1 hora atrás, Zachary Whyte disse:

    Olá, podemos obter algumas informações mais detalhadas e alguns exemplos do que você está falando?

    I will try

    Here in Brazil, teams that do not have a national division (series A, B, C and D) only play in the state championships State championships generally last 3 months So, all teams that only play at the state level sign 3-month contracts for the duration of the championship You asked for examples but it's complicated, as this happens to literally everyone who only plays in the state and I also don't know how exactly the contract period of real players is seen. but theoretically what you should do is see the championships that the teams are competing in or can qualify for this year to compete and make clubs sign players until the end of these championships

    Edited by civilEN
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    • Administrators

    Appreciate the information, we can review this further and perhaps look to add this as a feature request.

    But as you mention, this does seem like a very complicated change.

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    3 horas atrás, Zachary Whyte disse:

    Agradecemos as informações, podemos revisar isso mais detalhadamente e talvez adicionar isso como uma solicitação de recurso.

    Mas, como você mencionou, isso parece uma mudança muito complicada.

    ok, it would add more realism, but if not, thanks anyway

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