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  • AI keeps overwriting my staff responsabilities

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Need More Info Save Game: Ontario Galanes - Málaga.fm

    Description of issue

    I have set all the staff responsabilities around staff and contracts to myself, yet every season the AI keeps renewing the contract of my C team manager. Last season, after the season reset, all the staff responsabilities reset as well but after the contract was renegotiated. 

    I think, but can't confirm, that this only happens to the C team and not the B team since the B team's manager's contract is still expiring soon and hasn't been renewed.




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    I am having this issue also. After I have repeatedly set myself as the one to sign staff and offer them contracts it keeps changing and my AM has signed a whole bunch of my people to my U18s on very high contracts. It's very very infuriating. 

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    I've been encountering the same issue at my Bundesliga club — my Technical Director keeps re-assuming responsibilities for hiring/renewing staff in my U19 and II teams.

    Edited by miggy
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    Same problem here, after appointing a new DOF, I lost control of my B and youth team.

    Also, the Staff Responsibility screen changed to this:


    Whenever I change the responsibility to "Take control of all yourself" for both teams (as well as in the "Contracts" tab"), the game gives it back to the DOF.

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    I´m having the same problem now!!! It all Happened when i went to my 2nd season!! Must configs changed automatically and is pissing me OFF!

    I have changed my skin to original to see if it was it but nothing changed. again, it all happened when i went to my 2nd season!


    Save game name: António Carvalho - FC Porto 2 - Uploaded just now!

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    I also have this problem in my Bayern Munich save. The staff responsibilites of my U19 and Bayern II get reset after sometime. Similar to the post above, the options for my U19 and Bayern II are no longer there. After quitting to the main menu and reloading the save, the options are visible again but are reset.

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    I have the same problem with Malaga (Atletico Malagueño & Malaga Juvenil) I can't change responsabilities in trainings, who manage the match in their matches,.... If you can't manage your young teams... it's awful


    Fix it please!!! During many many years it's not possible to play in Spain, because our B team it's not possible to manage it 100%. For example it's impossible to ask to chairman more trainers for Atletico Malagueño, only for Malaga sub-19. Please we need you fix that


    Nobody wants manage Real Madrid B or Real Madrid Castilla, why our B Teams in Spain is not the same that in UK??? Please put all the B/C Teams in Spain like in UK

    Edited by AiZaK
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    same issue here .. second season and now all the drop down buttons for u19 and second team are gone.

    hope you can fix this soon


    found out that after you had the highscore screen and the new season with the new match fixure is starting it is back to normal
    but can't figure out why between season ending and the new season you can´t change any staff responsibility for second and youth team

    Edited by kombinat13
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    A friend realized that all this breaks when you agree to terminate a contract by mutual agreement with an employee on your team B


    I hope you fix in the next update, thanks!!!

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