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  • DoFs do not improve attributes and CA / Scouts improve incredibly slow

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    You might know me as I often post about the staff side of things in FM. I always like to track what high potential new staff (freshly retired players) do in the game and I keep them shortlisted across my saves. I often complained that the game auto-retires any staff member that doesn't get a job in 2-or-so years, regardless of their PA (next Guardiola with 190 PA is probably retired at 36 because no club will sign them)

    This time I'd like to talk about two topics: The scouts and the DOFs

    Firsly, i've noticed that the DOFs do not increase their stats at all in time. their CA and attributes will remain the same in 10 years. More so, the AI clubs will never renew their contracts if they are moved by the player with the editor. So I kept track of some of these players retired as DOFs with high potential and moved them to clubs using the ingame editor so they can develop in time. In less than 3 years, most of them were fired and retired in less than a year after. Only one remained active, which is Krzysztof Piatek. And 10 years later, he is stuck at his initial CA of 114, with a PA of 173, his Judging CA and PA attributes remaining the same. Unfortunately I don't have more examples to show at this time, but it's happened to the rest of those i've tracked. (screenshots attached). I am running my custom league editor data hence the weird teams in history, but that shouldn't influence any staff development mechanics.

    Second, I'd like to talk about scouts. I've also been tracking scouts, and unfortunately, there is a huge lack of them in longer saves. They do develop their attributes in time, however that being incredibly slowly. Thankfully, in FM24 we get staff attribute green arrows so I could finally see when that happens - and I've noticed that the only time scouts get stats increase is a tick at the end of the season, around June. And it's very likely that it's less than a bump of 1 whole point per year. The game very rarely turns a player into a staff member with more than 12 judging CA/PA attributes, and by keeping track of loads of these new scouts with high PAs, I have concluded that it takes more than 15 years for a scout to get decent stats for the top teams. There are plenty of real life scouts that start with very high stats (scouts in their 30's with 18+ JCA/JPA) but the scouts that the game generates will reach these numbers in their 50s and 60s. Combine this with the issue that teams very rarely hire freshly retired players and those staff members retire if not hired in 2 years, and all of this leads to one thing - a severe lack of good scouts in longer term saves.

    Take the screenshots - there are 238 scouts of +16 JCA/JPA in my save in 2040 and only a single one is a staff member that didn't start the game (retired player). There are 54 of +18 JCA/JPA and not a single one is a new addition (retired player or freshly generated). Obviously t's not a bad number at this stage, might be even higher than the start of the save (can't check now) but we need to consider that the pool for staff that could reach this JCA/JPA number has most likely dried at this point so the rate will only go down as most of these +60 years old scouts will retire soon.





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    Hello, we appreciate your feedback.

    To go over some of your points:
    If you are adding a DoF to clubs that don't have DoFs there is usually a reason - be it manager doesn't work with one or the chairman/owner doesn't want one. So when you add staff that the AI doesn't think it needs, it won't renew their contract. DoF stats do indeed go up and go down. We'll need more than 1 example of a staff member that's not changed, to review further. Staff progression isn't as simple as 'it just goes up', especially for staff that don't have training courses (i.e. not coaches)

    Yes, most retired players do start with lower stats because they have just retired - not many players retire and immediately become top tier at anything - Scout, Manager, DoF etc. so when players retire they generally start with lower stats so they can then develop. Right now when we look at the longer term numbers on multiple test they're where we would expect them to be.

    Finally we can't exponentially generate staff because we have to factor in performance, game speed and memory, if the number of staff were kept the same as or generated higher than game start, then performance would crash through the floor as you advance further into the game.

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    Okay, let's go through some of your points

    2 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    If you are adding a DoF to clubs that don't have DoFs there is usually a reason - be it manager doesn't work with one or the chairman/owner doesn't want one. So when you add staff that the AI doesn't think it needs, it won't renew their contract.


    Fair, that makes sense.

    2 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    DoF stats do indeed go up and go down. We'll need more than 1 example of a staff member that's not changed, to review further. Staff progression isn't as simple as 'it just goes up', especially for staff that don't have training courses (i.e. not coaches)

    But it doesn't 'just go up', it very rarely goes up at all. For those members that can use coaching coarses, sure. For sport scientists, physios and so on - they do change in time. My point is around scouts and DoF - that start as freshly retired players - don't go up in time, or do go up very slowly. Pleased to show more examples. Here is a list of all directors of football with a minimum of 15 JCA/JPA in the year 2041. Show all staff in search using the ingame editor is turned on, and I unchecked all staff interested in my club so it should be showing all of them in the game. 

    Out of 115 results, not a single one of them is a former player that retired during my save game. The game resorts to generating good DoFs by itself - which is fine in part, but you can't tell me that in 18 ingame years not a single former player DOF should have managed to reach a 15 JCA/JPA. 



    Let's reduce the parameters so we can include freshly retired staff players, and include a decent PA of 150 to only include those that could actually reach a better JCA/JPA. We've reached some familiar names - so there are some real players retired as staff. You can see that not a single one of them is employed in two pages of scrolling - apart from Darwin Machis who has been moved with the ingame editor by me as he's a former player of mine. I can go through each one of those employed to show that they are regen staff if you don't believe me. 

    Moreso, you can see that the list very quickly dries off - not a single scroll page and we're back to game-generated staff members. That means that those that met these parameters across the last 18 years have been retiring constantly because they didn't get hired anywhere nor their stats increased to do so. For whatever reason, Trent has not retired - although he couldn't get hired in the last 8 years due to his poor stats, despite his 177 PA. 


    Let's also look at scouts. Keep in mind that I managed Santa Alzate, Marseille, and Inter so far - so those you see hired by those teams were specifically hired by me. I scrolled three pages until the age of 47 - which should cover a lot of retired players during my save game. Out of all of these scouts, there are 9 former players - and 8 were hired by me, the player. The rest have already been employed scouts at the start of the game. So that means that out of all of the players that retired as staff, only one of them managed to reach these numbers organically, without the player's input. I can go lower and keep counting but I can asure you, there are not many examples like him left.




    2 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Yes, most retired players do start with lower stats because they have just retired - not many players retire and immediately become top tier at anything - Scout, Manager, DoF etc. so when players retire they generally start with lower stats so they can then develop. Right now when we look at the longer term numbers on multiple test they're where we would expect them to be.

    That was never my point. Of course they start with lower stats - as it should be. The problem is - as I repeatedly reported - is that they cannot find a job in time to increase those stats because the game auto-retires them if unemployed for 2-3 years. It doesn't matter if a very high reputation player (let's say a Modric or a Busquets) just retired with bad stats but 190+ PA - if nobody hires them because of terrible CA the game will auto retire them and there is nothing that can be done about it. 

    I have provided many examples about this and I can spend days providing more. Feel free to test it yourselves - shortlist some 170+ PA retired players and see if they are still in the game 3-4 years after. Here is the thread for more details


    Edited by Mitza
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