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  • When the player wants to talk to you, YOU MUST BE FORCED TO RESPOND!

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    Description of issue

    My player was upset because I didn't meet the agreed game time. Ok. But I didn't notice that he was upset and I spent the days.

    Since then, the players held a meeting with me and 7 players were against me.

    Is there any possibility of blocking the passage of days when a player wants to talk to you? If I had noticed that he wanted to talk to me, I would have talked to him.

    I spent the days quickly because I don't live to play, I work, I have a family just like the rest of us.

    Now the environment in the locker room is very bad and it will make it difficult to win matches due to a simple error in this game.


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    Important detail

    If your club has club b, just send the player to club b and return him to club A and everything is normal again! No player will stand against you!

    But my current club only has a reserve team, no B team!

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    • Administrators

    Hello, this is more of a Feature Request than a bug per say. But we appreciate the feedback and can put your idea under consideration.

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