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  • FM 24 adds random new leagues when beginning the new season

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Need More Info Save Game: Hardcore.fm

    Description of issue

    Game automatic adds playable leages at the beginning of new season. Those i have not added or even touched.

    Please find the save game attached. When going to the next day, you can see the scottish leage (4 Leagues!), wales and north ireland added. After some days even more leauges are added.

    This way i cant continue playing since my PC is dying of performance loss...


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    • Administrators

    When we Ioaded your save game, the first news item in my inbox was the Set Pieces Induction which indicates that this is an FM23 save game file imported into FM24.

    Can we ask at what point you converted your FM23 save file into FM24?

    We can look to make sure this doesn't occur again, but we won't be able help existing save games that have this issue.

    We've seen no instances of this happening in FM24 save game files, so we're confident this issue shouldn't occur on any new saves.

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