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  • Nation Club Coefficients at 0.00 every year

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Info Provided Save Game: FM24.fm FM24 (v03).fm

    Description of issue


    Is there a reason why the nation club coefficients in Europe reset at 0.000 every year?

    The "top nations" also seem very random and not at all realistic, and I wonder if there's any fix to it.


    I've uploaded save files from both before and after it reset for the new European season.


    Thank you.

    Skjermbilde 2024-05-12 kl. 13.47.51.png


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    On 13/05/2024 at 14:40, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello @EskildLXIX

    This will be due to your custom database changes.

    So there is nothing we can do in this instance. 

    Understood, thank you for the quick response!

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