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  • Two MAJOR bugs related to database and rules

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    Description of issue

    I have noticed two bugs while playing in Romanian leagues in FM24 so far:


    1. CSA Steaua Bucharest CAN NOT get promoted to the "Superliga" in real life due to the fact that they are owned by the Ministry of Defence and the National Law since 2000 states that clubs owned by a public institution can not play football professionally. FURTHERMORE, SEVEN other clubs in Romanian Second Division are in the EXACT same situation, respectively: CSM Resita, CSM Alexandria, CSC Selimbar, CS Tunari, CSM Slatina and CSC Dumbravita. HOWEVER, in FM24 every single one of those 8 clubs mentioned above CAN get promoted to the Superliga. I find this bug a MAJOR flaw which ruins the realistic mode that this game bases itself upon.

    Here is the link to the official published law (translated from Romanian to English): https://lege5-ro.translate.goog/Gratuit/gi3dmnru/legea-educatiei-fizice-si-sportului-nr-69-2000?_x_tr_sl=ro&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ro&_x_tr_pto=wapp

    Here is the link to the official article stating the facts (translated from Romanian to English): https://www-gsp-ro.translate.goog/fotbal/liga-2/liga-2-csa-steaua-8-echipe-drept-de-promovare-705707.html?_x_tr_sl=ro&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ro&_x_tr_pto=wapp

    I attached a screenshot from within the game where there is clear evidence of the LACK of rules within the game.


    2. Romanian Cup - GroupStage Phase is BROKEN. In real life the group stage is formed by 4 groups of 6 teams each, HOWEVER one club only plays 3 games (either home or away). One club DOES NOT play against every single other club from that group. There are no 5 games in group stages, but only 3 in each group. The rules within FM24 say the following: "Fixture details: 5 games (teams play each other once) which is FALSE. This major bug also leads to fixture congestion which ruins the realistic mode that this game bases itself upon.

    Here is the link to the official Groupstage format and rules: https://beturi-ro.translate.goog/stiri-sport/format-cupa-romaniei/?_x_tr_sl=ro&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ro&_x_tr_pto=wapp

    I attached two more screenshots which show the major bug mentioned above.

    I also attached the link to my FM24 save which you can load, test and see that it hasn't been altered at all, the save being in original state as it is by the beginning of any FM24 save. (I tried to upload my save using the ownCloud section below but it keeps loading forever and never actually shows anything).

    Please FIX these 2 major bugs which currently lead to a very UNREALISTIC game mode for everyone playing your game in Romanian leagues which are available by default on the official released version of your game on Steam (macOS).


    I am looking forward to getting an official response.

    Thank you!





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    These kind of bugs should not have been in the released version of the game at all. I don't know who is in charge of the research team for Romanian football but this year it has done a very poor job.


    Here is the link to my save as I could not upload it from the "ownCloud" option:


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