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  • Tactic causes crashes.


    Description of issue

    Made a bog standard tactic to test 3 Liberos and for some reason it causes a crash, sometimes at the start of a match, sometimes up to 3 highlights in. No other tactic I've tried has had the same issue. It's crashed multiple saves.

    I have loaded the tactic from the start of the save, it crashed on the first friendly without fail. I have loaded the tactic mid match and it caused a crash.

    I also had multiple friends test it on different saves (some are carried over from FM23, some are new saves for FM24), and they all crashed in the same way mine did. 

    Apologies if it's a known issue or similar has already been reported, I did try searching and came up empty handed.

    Attached is the tactic and the most recent crash dump. 


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    Okay so further to this, I've been doing some testing around with what could be causing it, and found out that it is the combination of positions and roles in that tactic that is causing the crashes.

    I started a "fresh slate" tactic, without any tactical instructions, and placed the players in the roles in the tactic that I attached prior - and it crashed the game.

    Switching the DMs sides (VOL on the Left, HB on the Right) fixed the crashing issues, but if the roles are put back into the same order as the previously attached file mid-game, it causes a crash again almost instantly (as can be seen in the attached screenshots).

    I have included the latest crash dump from this testing. 

    38-40 Crash caused..png

    38-35 Pause to Change.png


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    Final (potentially) update from me, I loaded a completely unrelated tactic (an old FM23 one) and entered a match. Got to the 78th minute without issue. I switched the roles and positions of the players to the ones in the originally attached tactic, and it crashed immediately.

    I then tried the same by starting the game in a clean slate 442 and then changing the roles while keeping it as a clean slate, and it once again crashed. (as can be seen in the attached screenshots). I have attached this crash dump as well.

    Sorry if I've been beating a dead horse a bit here and adding no information of value, just figured more is more!


    tactic switch.png

    clean 442.png


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    More info gathered: 

    - Moving the IFBs into the DM line as WBs DIDN'T crash the game, however, making the IFBs into WBs in the defensive line DID crash the game.

    - Moving the RCD and LCD Liberos out of the way and having an IFB-L-IFB + VOL-HB in front of them DID crash the game.

    - Moving only the Central Libero out of the way and keeping the set up the same, DIDN'T crash the game.

    - Making the Central Libero any other role DIDN'T crash the game.

    - Moving the VOL out of the DM line completely and having only the HB at DMCR, DID crash the game. As did having the HB at DMCL without a VOL present. Keeping the HB at DMC and taking the VOL out of the DM line completely, DIDN'T crash the game. 

    - Moving the HB to DMC and changing nothing else, DIDN'T crash the game.

    - Moving the RCD and LCD Liberos out of the way and making the IFBs into WBs in the defensive line DID crash the game.

    - Making the HB into any other role DOES NOT crash the game. 



    So from what I have tested, there seems to be some conflict when using FBs, a central Libero and a DM in either of the L/RCDM slots of the time that causes crashes. 


    Again apologies if this is a known issue/beating a dead horse!

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