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  • Online Network Game - Kit Colours and Badge UI Issue

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game, Screenshot Public Status: Under Review Screenshot: Save Game: thebosswebb_NetworkGame_KitIssueTest.fm

    Description of issue

    Hello SI,

    The Issue
    I have an FM24 online network game with my friend. We have built upon the base database game to add our own custom country. (To be more specific - we have edited Gibraltar to become a different "fantasy" nation - sorry Gibraltar!). For this, we have used the "add Nation Rules" feature in the pre-game editor. Within this country we have made a set of teams, each with their own set colours and kit colours. When loading into the game, the kit colours appear as expected for whoever is the host. However, for the people joining the Network game, every team's kits are Blue (Home Kit) and White (Away Kit) - despite these not being the colours. Furthermore, the "small badges" are also all displaying as Blue. (Please see the screenshots attached, with the difference between the host and guest UI experience).  

    We have tested swapping who is the host and we have the same issue where the guest sees only Blue and White kits. 

    We also had this issue on FM21 so I am aware it was present in previous games. On FM21 we tried to overcome this with 2D graphics using config.xml and custom made kit graphics but these did not work for the network guest (although they did for the host). I have not tried this yet with the same issue on FM24. 

    To ensure this issue wasn't specifically related to the other changes I made, I ran a very basic test where all I did was add a new team in Gibraltar and swapped it into the main league. When my friend and I tested it the kit issue (where the kits were Blue and White) was still present. This was the same for the small badges being blue also. The other team's kits (originally in Gibraltar) all worked as expected. 

    All of this together leads me to think this might be an underlying bug within Network games.

    Steps To Reproduce

    • Open Editor and add new nation as Gibraltar 
    • Add a new team - giving it a home and away kit as well as foreground and background club colours.
    • Add the team to Gibraltar 
    • Test Nation Rules
    • Create Network Game

    Other Considerations and Thoughts 

    • When I host the game I keep all of the FM folder/files on an external hard drive. This shouldn't be an issue but I wanted to share for visibility. 
    • I don't know if this issue extends to newly created teams in the editor in general, or just when the teams are in a nation that is not in the base game. 

    We would really like to resolve this issue as it ruins the experience quite a lot. It was a big part of the reason we didn't use FM22 or FM23. 

    I would be happy to provide further details or files if required. Looking forward to your response. 



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    • SI Staff
    2 hours ago, thebosswebb said:

    Thanks Zachary, looking forward to finding a resolution to this. 

    This has now been logged. As Zachary said, thank you for the detailed post. We have been able to reproduce internally :)

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