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  • English Premier Division Data [Discussion]

    Kyle Brown
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    This thread is to be used for discussion on the English Premier Division.

    We understand that some data is subjective, so this thread should be used for discussing any data that you are concerned about or have an opinion on, that might not be considered as a bug.

    Please be respectful to others opinions and try to keep discussion friendly and productive.


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    3 hours ago, jacob_m_mack said:

    Seconding Romero's ball-playing being far too poor in the current DB. I think his aggressiveness out of possession has wrongly coloured people's perception of how good he is on the ball. He's joint 3rd among Prem CBs for progressive passes this year, tied with Dias, trailing only Dunk and Andersen. 4th among CBs in progressive passing distance, trailing only Silva, Dunk and Saliba. Also 5th in the entire prem in progressive carrying distance (dribbling attribute of 9 btw). He semi-regularly breaks out of the defensive line and joins in attacks when one of his carries takes him past the first line of the press too, so it's not like he's just running the ball into empty space.

    Even if we take the "Don't think about about the number from 1-20, it's about creating an accurate simulation", this doesn't do that, especially with "Dives into tackles" being his only player trait. It might be that Spurs in my save are 17th, but Romero in my save is currently averaging 2.6 progressive passes per 90, well below his averages from both 21-22 and 22-23, and substantially less than half his average from this year. No real way to track progressive carrying, but no reason to assume that would be in-line with real life either, given 9 dribbling and no PPMs that would increase his carrying volume.

    But also, when the discrepancies between game and real world are this wild, it's hard not to think of things with the simple 1-20 in mind: objectively one of the best ball-playing centerbacks on the planet should not have the ball-playing attributes of a League One CB.

    You are forgetting about Pau Torres. He is clear of Romero in PP and PCD, he is clear of Dias, Dunk and Anderson as well. 

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    3 hours ago, Stevmon said:

    Is that normal for young players? Will it be changed for full release or will it be a random low number each save?

    Yes, quite normal where we researchers haven't seen a lot of a certain player. 


    No it won't be a 'low number' each save, sometimes it'll be a much higher figure. It's entirely the same chance of generating as 3, 8, 14 or 20, and all others in between!

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    On 22/10/2023 at 12:58, Rags89 said:

    Hello, thanks for the work into the new game- really enjoying it thus far. Although mostly spot on, I wonder whether a few attribute changes to some Villa players could better mirror reality and add to the immersion of the game. The goal here is not buffs or nerfs for the sake of it but to better reflect the tactical style of Villa under Emery through the attribute system. I understand this is subjective but in previous iterations I've had really constructive conversations with the Villa researcher @LewParsonsAVFC so I thought it might be worth adding my thoughts:

    Martinez: I think generally because he plays for Villa he's underrated by football supporters outside of B6 and Argentina, but 'Capable GK' seems a bit of an understatement :D . Getting away from subjectivity, Emery has turned him into a high frequency sweeper. Villa play a very high line and Martinez's ability to read and intercept opponents through balls is absolutely key to this.  He does this very often and with a high (but not perfect) level of success. This is reflected here in the data: https://www.premierleague.com/stats/top/players/total_keeper_sweeper?po=GOALKEEPER. Martinez is an extremely imposing Goalkeeper in the box and mobs up any floated crosses that come near him. This is reflected in fbref data: https://fbref.com/en/players/7956236f/Emiliano-Martinez. Suggested changes: Rushing out: 14>17, Positioning 13 > 15, Jumping reach 15 > 17 CofA 14 > 17. These are huge buffs, I know but Martinez has the accolades and the evidence base to back them up. Think of the Argentinians! 

    Torres: I feel a bit of a rework is needed here. He is a fantastic player on the ball, but defensively perhaps not quite so much. Torres is not the best in the air, in fact the stats https://fbref.com/en/players/532e1e4f/Pau-Torres and the eye test suggests he's below average, due to his limited physicality. I think a big nerf here is necessary. Strength 16 > 13 Jumping reach 17 > 14 Bravery 14 > 12. He also doesn't seem the quickest off the mark. Acceleration 15 > 12. He is however an elite level ball-player and line breaking cb. A buff here would reflect how Emery uses him in the Villa system. Passing: 14 > 16, Vision 11 > 13, Composure 12 > 15, dribbling 11 > 13. Some traits could also match how he plays IRL i.e. switches ball to other flank, tries through balls. Leadership at 6 seems very low for an experience player at the highest level, perhaps the Villareal researcher could shed some light on that.  

    Mings:  Mings is a bit of a colossus in the air and 6'5 and physically very strong: Jumping 15 > 17 Strength 15 > 17. Passing dribbling perhaps a touch generous and could be downgrading to balance things out. Passing 15 > 13 Dribbling 13 > 10.

    Digne: Digne is comfortably slower IRL than is reflected in his attributes. This is obviously an eye test thing but for eg when Villa went to Anfield TAA and Salah exploited this a few times. Acc/Pace: 15/14 > 13/13

    Douglas Luiz: The buffs here are noted (CA buff to 73), thank you! The trouble I have with his representation in game is he's not really the stand out player technically he is IRL and Luiz's best role in game is Mezzala. It just doesn't reflect the reality of how Emery is using Luiz, IMO. I don't have much stats wise to back this up, other than fairly arbitrary player rating stats, it's all eye test so I'll just leave this as a discussion point. EDIT: After watching the West Ham match I believe all his attributes should be changed to 20 ;) EDIT: Having viewed the CA buffs of comparative midfielders like Bissouma (CA 80, 3 point buff on last season, and Bruno G (CA 83, an excellent season, but he's not 10 CA points better than Luiz) I do think a bigger Luiz buff is warranted. He was Villa's SPotS and PPotS, and he's started the season on fire.  

    That's it other than to mention Rory Wilson is 183cm https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/rory-wilson/profil/spieler/924859 and in game is 176cm and McGinn needs taking off the transfer list. Thanks for reading and considering these points. 



    Hi @Rags89, great to speak to you again mate. You’ve made some great points and I will send you a message directly so we can carry on the conversation there rather than clog this thread. 
    Just a note on Pau Torres and one for the wider group forum, transfers that have been made in the summer, the player in question would have been adjusted by the previous clubs AR as they would have saw a lot more of the player than I would have. I think nearly 3 months into the season, I didn’t want to be too hasty and make a load of adjustments as I don’t think it is long enough to make a judgement especially as some players take time to adjust to another league and country which could cloud some of the judgement, however there will be some attributes which standout that we could look at for sure for example Torres’ distribution and composure has stood out. However if there are any clear errors regarding the details like transfer fees, height, international stats etc please shout up.

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    On 22/10/2023 at 21:16, Smallen said:



    Bruno Guimaraes' instalment and sell on clauses to Lyon appear to have been duplicated somehow.

    Thanks @Smallen - this is a known (non-data) issue, and is being investigated by the coding team.

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    On 22/10/2023 at 10:48, Benoit2 said:

    Add to that Tom Glick has left: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-12594273/Chelsea-executive-appointments-board-Tom-Glick.html

    Before the end of August I've also received a news message that a potential board takeover might happen at Chelsea. Not sure if thats a database issue or game issue.

    Thanks very much @Benoit2 - we will make the required amendments in the database, which will be in evidence in a future update.

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    Newcastle United

    Outside of Rafa Benitez there's no obvious changes to NUFC's favourite staff/icons/legends list since I last did the data. 

    Eddie Howe, Keiran Trippier, Joelinton should be easy additions to the above. 

    Steve Bruce should have his entry in disliked staff list increased.




    The board demands are way too high and harsh, too. Eddie Howe seems to get sacked if Newcastle aren't in top 6 by November. Perhaps adding Eddie Howe to the board's favourite staff list would help, or easing the expectations that Newcastle qualify for Champions League, which is more of a long-term plan than a season-to-season expectation. 

    The expectation Newcastle should be challenging for the title within 5 seasons seems high too, while it could be lip service every talk of becoming the best team in England has always had a 10 year time frame. 

    I'd argue that the board are more focused on building reputation over time, such as becoming the biggest club in England first leading in to bigger expectations such as qualifying and winning the Champions League. Part of this should have a board culture of increasing infrastructure to be the best in the country. Signing u18s for the future. Again this all fits in with the long-term plan and desire to increase the profile of Newcastle United (and cynically sell young players on for large profits to help with FFP). 

    I'd also suggest buying/selling players for profit and working within FFP/Wages as an essential demand. Board are very aware of their FFP limits and the need to build up sponorships and revenue to grow bigger, part of which will be selling players on for profit. 

    So for me (in FM terms) the focus from the board should be requirements to increase reputation, increase revenue, work within budgets and develop the club's infrastructure. There should be a desire to qualify for European football.

    Supporter Profile


    I'm not sure there are any fans, certainly not a majority, that would expect as a requirement for Newcastle to qualify for the Champions League every season, certainly not this season. These expectation seem very high too. The biggest requirement from our fanbase is having a team that tries and isn't boring to watch. 


    Hardcore suppoters seems low on intitial viewing, consider it took 14 years of Mike Ashley for some people to finally call it a day.

    I'd say family is slightly too high, for patient and temperatment. There's a lot of audible groans and moans at St. James' Park at times. Also in the literal sense the family section is often the area with spare/empty seats for resale.

    Casual and fair weather percentage seems very high, as you can't get into SJP without a season ticket or complete luck through the membership ballot.

    I'd say core needs to be higher, hardcore slightly higher, and a small adjustment to Corprate (as new boxes and corporate areas were built over the summer). 


    Nick Pope missing finger/hand injury from 22/23 season.

    Bruno missing reoccuring ankle injury from 22/23 season.

    Player Issues

    Some of these are perhaps 'pet peeves' with the dataset over all, certainly around what I feel is a misconception with Acceleration and Pace, where people seem to think the speed someone goes over 10 yards is the same as someone going 30-80 yard full sprint.

    Miguel Almiron 
    Acceleration 16, Pace 17; I'd say his acceleration is his main strength, his overall pace over distance isn't actually that powerful. So I'd probably keep his acceleration where it is (or slight increase) but lower pace. 
    Agility and Balance should probably be rounded together around 14 each
    Determination seems low, as he rarely seems to drop his head if Newcastle go a goal behind
    Positioning has improved over the last 18 months under Eddie Howe, is a strong part of the pressing game
    Teamwork is another one of his key strengths, always tracking back to double up with Trippier
    Stamina: 15 - Often covers the most ground p/90 and his intensity in the press is still going after 75 minutes. So this seems low to me
    I'd lower his ability/effectiveness to play LW/LW as he hasn't played those positions reguarly since joining Newcastle
    Technique, if this is still linked to how fast the player moves with the ball at their feet, seems low too. While he doesn't have consistent technique, it feels low at 12. 

    I'd add a basic level of English, its only taken him several years, but he finally gave an interview in English

    Elliott Anderson
    I'd reduce his ratings at LW and CM, that's still very much a work in process for a player who spent most of his time as a 10 in development
    Dribbling, Agility and Balance have always been his strengths, so surprised to see them so middle of the road/not standing out within his overall profile
    Acceleration and Pace, I'd increase acceleration as his short distance speed is good, his sustained speed is not however

    Sven Botman
    Determination and Leadership feel low, his really grown into the team over the last 12 months and is another player that doesn't allow his head to drop after conceding, you can see him regaining the focus of his teammates during the game

    Bruno Guimaraes
    Acceleration and Pace, I believe most people that have watched Bruno over the last 18 months will tell you this is his major weakness, he has no pace and is entirely 1 speed when it comes to running. While he hits max speed straight away he often looks like he's running in treacle when going over a distance. I'd drop pace heavily.
    Balance, 12 is incredibly low for a player that is nearly impossibe to pressure off the ball

    While his preferred position in-game is set as DM/DLP he has been on record as saying he wants to play higher up on the pitch as that's not his position/role
    I'd add Joelinton as a teammate/friend in favoured personnel

    Dan Burn 
    Acceleration: 9, Pace: 12; I'd drop acceleration down further as it takes him a while to reach his top speed, however his top speed due to his stride is deceivingly good. 
    Aggression feels low at 13 for someone who is always doing borderline yellow card tackle attempts
    Balance seems harsh, I'd increase this or strength as he's not tripping over himself against smaller wingers, and he can't really muscle or push him off the ball either

    Martin Dubravka
    Punching (Tendency) I'd increase this greatly, as he'll reguarly punch/parry rather than hold
    Rushing Out  (Tendency) I'd low this as he's not really a sweeper keeper at all, rarely ventures away from his 6 yard box
    Determination could be lowered, doesn't really rally himself or those around him after conceding
    Flair 14 is a surprise
    Agility seems harsh at 12
    I'd add avoids using weaker foot ppm

    Ryan Fraser
    Add Eddie Howe to disliked staff (and vice versa)

    Alexander Isak
    Composure should be increased as this along with his dribbling is his biggest strength
    Balance I'd increase and lower strength, he's hard to knock off the ball when he's dribbling and twisting, but holding off defenders and hold up play isn't particularly strong
    Jumping Reach of 16 feels wrong, even if he is 6'3

    Dribbling 16 feels high, even considering his little cameos and flurishes last season
    Heading 16 feels high too, I can't say he's ever caught me eye for any particular powerful accurate headers (if anything its the opposite)
    Technique feels high, often 'looks' clumsey on the ball, despite his ability and he's certainly not quick with the ball at his feet
    Anticipation is one of his strengths, as he's often intercepting passes
    Jumping reach of 15 feels high for 6'1" player, he often wins headers through anticipation, positioning and strength
    I'd lower his ability to play as a forward that's never been his position was forced into that role by Steve Bruce
    Without being able to see its difficult to comment, but I'd increase his ability to use his left foot

    I'd add Bruno as a friend/teammate

    Sean Longstaff
    Acceleration and Pace, I'd increase pace slightly
    Aggression feels low and 'safe'
    Natural Fitness feels low based on body type, general athletic ability
    Unable to see but consistency and big games should have a good rating, while he's not an 'amazing' player, you know what you're going to get every game with his hardwork
    I'd swap concentation (12) and composure (14) around as its the work off the ball where he excels, only recently starting to show promise with the ball

    I'd lower his ability to play as DM, which is currently showing as natural, likewise remove RM/RW

    Is set as a 'fringe player', so could do with his reputation increased to help him become a squad player, he's one of those 'manager favourites' that does the job he's asked to do

    I'd add Dan Burn as friend/Teammate, Eddie Howe as favourite staff, Steve Bruce as disliked staff

    Jacob Murphy
    Dribbling 15 seems particularly high, has always come across as a beat the player with pace (runs with the ball) rather than close control, feints and deceptions
    Acceleration and Pace, I'd have these the other way around 15 for pace and a higher acceleration, he's another player that is wickedly fast off the mark
    Finishing I'd actually increase this as his shots are often on target, even if poorly placed at the keeper or hitting the inside of the bar/crossbar (I believe the low composure and decisions will help with that)

    Determination and Teamwork feel very low, 

    I'd remove the Likes to Lob Keeper trait and likes to beat opponent repeatedly trait

    Nick Pope
    Command of area seems high

    Fabian Schar
    Aggression feels slightly too high
    Anticipation and Bravery are his biggest strengths off the ball
    Strength however isn't one of his biggest strengths

    Matthew Targett
    Acceleration and Pace, I'd lower his acceleration greatly. His injury has affected him greatly.

    Kieran Trippier
    Jumping Reach I'd lower, this is one of his major weaknesses
    Acceleration and Pace, I'd increase his acceleration slightly
    Agility seems harsh, despite his age he can still track the fast twisting and turning wingers
    Aggression seems low, prone to giving fouls away now and again
    Positioning is an area I feel like he's weak in too

    Joe Willock
    Acceleration (17) and Pace (15), I'd swap these around as he's a player who shines with open field to run in to
    Tackling is very low, especially with his low aggression, Willock is a very good tackler of the ball and rarely gives fouls away
    Aggression I'd lower this, he's not an aggressive player, he's smart with the press and when he chooses to tackle preferring to intercept the ball
    Flair of 15 feels high
    Technique feels low at 14
    Finishing, I'd lower

    Squad Issues

    Callum Wilson, Joe Willock, Anthony Gordon, Sean Longstaff and Harvey Barnes aren't rotated into the team by the AI. Unsure if Eddie Howe profile issue, player CA/Rep issue. 

    Staff Issues

    Add friendship roles between Ben Dawson, Neil Winskill, Graeme Carrick, Chris Moore and Adam Bartlett

    Dan Ashworth
    Working with Youngsters - 20. Seems very high. Understand this might have been his previous role at other club, but I wouldn't say it was something he excelled at. As it is his profile makes him one of the best Head of Youth Developments in the game. Either decrease the WwY rating, or decrease his preference for Head of Youth Development, as it's not a job he's done for since 2007, and seems to much prefer the more hands off technical roles.

    Adaptability 17 seems very high but this based entirely on my belief that British people are too comfortable staying in England to seek to ever want to go abroad and learn another way of living

    Birth Place: London?

    Ben Dawson
    Adaptability 18 is too high
    Missing playing history at Queen of the South and College team in Philly
    Favourite Club: Newcastle United
    Working with Youngsters is a bit too high at 18
    Determination is too low
    His main skill as a coach is mental and technical development


    Graeme Carrick
    Overall the value distribution looks accurate, but perhaps a little too high
    His strengths are Mental, Tactical and Technical with a rounded understanding of attacking and defensive principles
    His knowledge attributes are too high
    His motivation is too high

    Neil Winskill
    Defensive and tactical coach
    People Management too high
    Working with youngsters too high

    Career Ambition: Head of Youth Development at Newcastle United
    Increase Head of Youth Development staff role
    Newcastle United supporter
    Missing coach history at Ashington and West Allotment Celtic

    Steve Harper
    GK Distribution too high
    Main strength GK Shot Stopping
    Working with Youngsters too high
    People Management too low
    Level of Discipline too low

    Friends with Tony Caig

    Adam Bartlett
    Main strength distribution

    Tony Caig
    Main strength handling
    Seems to have random values added to other staff roles?

    Mark Atkinson
    Friends with Neil Winskill, Ben Dawson and Liam Bramley (vice versa)

    Ian Bogie
    Defensive, Tactical Mental coach
    Slightly lower working with youngsters
    Motivating and people management should be higher

    Steve Nickson
    Lower Working with Youngsters
    Adaptability seems far too high
    Motivating and people management should be increased, a good organiser and taskmaster
    Analysing Date should be increased (was data driven before it was a 'thing')

    Edited by ChrisNUFC
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    On 21/10/2023 at 22:11, kb1000 said:

    Thanks very much @kb1000 - I will look at making those changes in the database, for a future update.

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    On 20/10/2023 at 23:18, magpie1892 said:

    Newcastle Home Kit

    First choice socks should be white with black tops, second choice should be black socks with white tops.

    Shorts should be black first choice, white second choice


    In my first two friendlies they have worn black socks and opponents have worn red socks so no clash

    Thanks @magpie1892 - I set the home (first) and home (alternate) socks the wrong way round - apologies.  This will be changed in the database for a future update.

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    On 21/10/2023 at 13:36, magpie1892 said:

    Newcastle United also missing two board directors

    Name: Abdulmajid Ahmed Alhagbani

    Nationality: Saudi Arabia

    DOB: December 1980

    Director - joined 23/2/2023


    Name: Asmaa Mohammed Rezeeq

    Nationality: Saudi Arabia

    DOB: April 1988

    Director - Joined 23/2/2023

    Thanks @magpie1892 - that is very helpful.

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    I think Tottenham are too underpowered compared to how well they're doing in real life.

    I've run 5 simulations and 4 times they finished outside of the top 10.



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    5 hours ago, Stevmon said:

    Is that normal for young players? Will it be changed for full release or will it be a random low number each save?

    Yeah - as Alan has said, this is standard practice for young players for pretty much all mental traits and things like important matches, consistency etc. Apart from in very exceptional cases we just don't have enough of a body of evidence to use to decide either way in these cases (it can be hard enough for senior pros). It won't be changed for release (or at all unless there's a general change of approach) but it won't necessarily randomise as a low number - it's 16 in my beta save for example. 

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    On 20/10/2023 at 16:45, Readingfc1871 said:

    Arsenal have changed their scouting structure and moved to a positional scouting model:


    Jason Ayto - Assistant Sporting Director

    James Ellis - Head of Recruitment

    Andrew Moschini - Scouting Analyst - https://uk.linkedin.com/in/andrew-moschini-b4a20333

    Tom Cooper - Scouting Analyst - https://uk.linkedin.com/in/tom-cooper-a007a672

    Lucy Wood - Scouting Analyst - https://uk.linkedin.com/in/lucywoodd

    Pedro Vencacio - Scout https://br.linkedin.com/in/pedro-venancio-b4589935

    Danny Karbassiyion is not a scout - https://www.linkedin.com/today/author/karbass

    Everton Gushikeen is now at Bayer Leverkusen - https://br.linkedin.com/in/everton-gushiken-924076126

    Roger Smith is no longer at the club

    Eddie Prenderville is no longer at the club

    George Mackie is no longer at the club


    Thanks very much, @Readingfc1871 - we will look into the information that you have kindly linked.  Have you any idea when Prenderville left, please, and are you sure about Roger Smith?


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    On 20/10/2023 at 11:06, Gabos79 said:

    Bruno Fernandes has for a long long long time the wrong team in his supported teams.

    The man, his family and friends have said multiple times that he was a Boavista fan growing up and never a Porto fan but for some reason your researchers each year make him a Porto support for some reason. Must be some Porto scout...

    Bellow go multiple interviews regarding his team preference and translations: https://www.dn.pt/desporto/sporting/a-historia-de-um-miudo-que-so-quis-ser-jogador-de-futebol-9305881.html




    ""Olhe, o meu pai é benfiquista, Eu, a minha mãe e a minha irmã somos portistas, se bem que elas agora dizem que são sportinguistas (risos). O Bruno foi muito cedo para o Boavista, nunca foi de ser do FC Porto, Benfica ou Sporting. Podem não acreditar mas ele é boavisteiro. O Bruno diz que agora é sportinguista, mas ele sempre foi boavisteiro, sei que este é um país em que toda a gente é de Benfica, Sporting ou FC Porto mas é a verdade"" 

    "Look, my father is a Benfica fan, me, my mother and my sister are Porto fans, although they now say they are Sporting fans (laughs). Bruno joined Boavista very early on, he was never one to be with FC Porto , Benfica or Sporting. You may not believe it but he is a Boavista fan. Bruno says he's a Sporting fan now, but he's always been a Boavista fan, I know this is a country where everyone is from Benfica, Sporting or FC Porto but it's the truth "


    The only thing related with Porto was that Porto also wanted him before he went to Boavista but he didn't go there because it was a longer trip. At no point has he ever said he was a Porto fan or anyone in his family said it but your Porto fan researches put it there for some reason.

    It's ridiculous how a big player can have the literal RIVAL of his team as his supported teams and you guys never bothered to change it. Waiting to see if they make Tonali a Inter fan or Di Maria a Sporting supporter for some reason



    Thanks @Gabos79 - sorry if I am a little confused, but the translation that you have provided says:

    "me, my mother and my sister are Porto fans"

    Am I missing something?

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    7 hours ago, Rags89 said:

    You are forgetting about Pau Torres. He is clear of Romero in PP and PCD, he is clear of Dias, Dunk and Anderson as well. 

    He isn't actually per FBref, he has 39 progressive passes to Romero's 50. Maybe if you're using a different stats provider though? Not sure what exactly that has to do with anything though, not trying to get bogged down in the semantics of what stats provider to use, or who specifically has better stats than who, just trying to illustrate that Romero is one of the most progressive CBs in the league and that current his attribute spread and PPMs don't lead to him performing as such in the game.

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    2 hours ago, guntz23 said:

    I think Tottenham are too underpowered compared to how well they're doing in real life.

    I've run 5 simulations and 4 times they finished outside of the top 10.



    How have they performed against the teams they've faced IRL? That's a better comparison, as IRL it's nowhere near a full season....

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    4 minutes ago, Scotty Walds said:

    How have they performed against the teams they've faced IRL? That's a better comparison, as IRL it's nowhere near a full season....

    I'd say pretty well no?

    They've played Arsenal, Liverpool, Man Utd and have come out of those games with 7 points out of 9.

    Spurs are currently top of the league for a reason and shouldn't be finishing outside of the top 10 places 4 times out of 5 in FM.

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    Just now, guntz23 said:

    I'd say pretty well no?

    They've played Arsenal, Liverpool, Man Utd and have come out of those games with 7 points out of 9.

    Spurs are currently top of the league for a reason and shouldn't be finishing outside of the top 10 places 4 times out of 5 in FM.

    You've not answered the question, though. How have they performed on your FM compared to the teams they've faced IRL already.

    I don't care about how well they've done IRL, we're talking FM here.

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    6 hours ago, Pete Sottrel said:

    Thanks @SerCska10 - this is a known issue (not a data one), and the coding team are looking into it.

    is it a graphics issue or will it financially impact Arsenal?

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    2 hours ago, guntz23 said:

    I think Tottenham are too underpowered compared to how well they're doing in real life.

    I've run 5 simulations and 4 times they finished outside of the top 10.



    SI will have run thousands, and if they are unhappy with the overall trend they will amend the data accordingly. IRL Spurs form could drop off the edge of a cliff this weekend for all we know of the future (although I don't suppose it will!).

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    2 hours ago, jacob_m_mack said:

    He isn't actually per FBref, he has 39 progressive passes to Romero's 50. Maybe if you're using a different stats provider though? Not sure what exactly that has to do with anything though, not trying to get bogged down in the semantics of what stats provider to use, or who specifically has better stats than who, just trying to illustrate that Romero is one of the most progressive CBs in the league and that current his attribute spread and PPMs don't lead to him performing as such in the game.

    Are you are using a small sample size of just this season and total, not p/90? I usually use a 365 day sample on fbref if I want to make a convincing case. 9 games, statistically speaking, is not significant. Over the 365 day period Pau is 5.6 PP p/90. Romero 4.34. If Romero continues his impressive 23/24 output you certainly have a strong case, but just to illustrate the weakness of small sample sizes: over the first 6 game weeks Romero completed 21 PP or 3.5 p/match. Pau completed 31 or 5.3 p/match. 21 PP were in 1 match against Palace. Now, Romero has done fantastic in the last 3 matches vs 10 man Liverpool, Luton and Fulham but who knows if it's sustainable. His career to date suggests not, as do the first 6 weeks of the season.   

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    10 hours ago, Brentford Alan said:

    Yes, quite normal where we researchers haven't seen a lot of a certain player. 


    No it won't be a 'low number' each save, sometimes it'll be a much higher figure. It's entirely the same chance of generating as 3, 8, 14 or 20, and all others in between!

    Hm, didn't know that was how it worked. Feels pretty flawed... Why have it random between 1-20? Understand Determination is harder to scout on a teenager than Passing, but surely it would be more appropriate with a guesstimate of 10 than to have a bad number like 3.

    I'm never gonna get a great player out of him on my save if he has Determination 3. If he made it this far in his career IRL he probably has a higher Determination and 3? 

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    11 часов назад, Pete Sottrel сказал:

    Thanks @SerCska10 - this is a known issue (not a data one), and the coding team are looking into it.

    And if I play my career for Arsenal, then not 10 million will be deducted from me, but twice as much?

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    44 minutes ago, Stevmon said:

    Hm, didn't know that was how it worked. Feels pretty flawed... Why have it random between 1-20? Understand Determination is harder to scout on a teenager than Passing, but surely it would be more appropriate with a guesstimate of 10 than to have a bad number like 3.

    I'm never gonna get a great player out of him on my save if he has Determination 3. If he made it this far in his career IRL he probably has a higher Determination and 3? 

    If we put 10 in on every unknown attribute for every kid on the game we'd have a very boring and repetitive game with hundreds of players all being extremely similar, hence why we leave it to chance. You'll have youth team players that have benefited with high attributes generated on start up as much as this one player is at a disadvantage. There is always the in-game editor when the full release happens in a few days, or create a new save.

    There are plenty of examples of players who get to the top level without really putting in the hard yards, so this is a bit of a non-argument.

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    8 hours ago, Pete Sottrel said:

    Thanks very much, @Readingfc1871 - we will look into the information that you have kindly linked.  Have you any idea when Prenderville left, please, and are you sure about Roger Smith?


    No problem.

    Prenderville and Smith both left in 2020 - it was part of this structure change but they’re not named in the article 



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