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  • Reece James

    Matthew Whalley
    • Files Uploaded: Save Game, Screenshot, PKM / REC File, None Public Status: Open

    Description of issue

    Recce James is showing as white in the game

    Screenshot 2023-10-23 004551.png


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    • SI Staff
    On 24/10/2023 at 22:46, chickenTiki-TakaMasala said:

    Its been like this for the last several fms and they probably should look to change it as its quite disrespectful

    Thanks for that, @Matthew Whalley and @chickenTiki-TakaMasala, and apologies for this issue.

    The choices from the database "skin tone indicator" do not always correspond as desired to the appearance of characters in the match engine.  This has been exacerbated by match engine lighting improvements, made this year. We will make sure that there is improved liaison between the Art and Database teams to make sure researchers are able to better reflect reality with the tools available, as this disconnect is the most likely source of any issues we’re seeing in the game.

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