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  • Wrong rules in the icelandic leagues

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    It appears to be some wrong rules in use for the icelandic league. According to the latest publication of the tournament rules, published in december 2023. 

    The squad rules for the league, which states you need 8 players who have played for the club in their ages 15-21 is wrong. It is 8 for ANY icelandic club in that period, and 4 for the specific club. I have attached the publication itself in icelandic (i could not find it in any other language, and i do not speak icelandic so i have been using translate, but according to 9.3 in the publication: 


    A maximum of 25 players must be registered on player list A, and 8 of them must have been registered with
    member clubs of KSÍ during the age period of 15 years (or from the beginning of the competition season which
    player turns 15 years old) – 21 years old (or until the end of the season when the player turns 21
    of the year), continuously or for a total of 36 months, of which at least 4 of these 8 players at that club
    which is involved.

    According to 9.2 this is both for the top league and 1. division. 

    The numbering is a wrong(and might be an actual bug? I can add an issue for that specific) You are only allowed to select 25 numbers, which there is absolutely nothing in their rules that stipulates. Futhermore, the rules allows the numbering to be 1-99 with only 1 being reserved for a GK. Meanwhile in the game, you only have the numbers 1-25 with the numbers 1,12 (and kinda 22) being GK numbers. This is really annoing especially when participating in other tournaments with players not registered in the 25 man squad for the league, since they cannot have a number, and you get stuck in the "assign number page"

    according to 9.7 in the publication 



    Before the match starts, the home team's manager must hand over a completed match report to the referee
    the numbers and names of the players who start the match, as well as designated substitutes and
    names of team management. Each player's number must be indicated on the match report accordingly
    to a number on a competition uniform, even if no players of the same team wear the same number.
    A player shall wear the number 1 to 99 and the number 1 shall only be assigned to the goalkeeper.

    I cannot find anything of limitation of NON-EU-players on field anywhere, but that is a little difficult to verify, so i will try and get back on that specific registration rule. 

    The source is the official homepage for the icelandic federation: https://www.ksi.is/um-ksi/log-og-reglugerdir/reglugerdir/

    Thank you for making an awesome game!

    Reglugerð KSI_ um knattspyrnumo_t (desember 2023).pdf


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    Actually there can only be 3 non eu players on the match day squad.

    22. gr. Erlendir leikmenn

    22.1. Erlendur ríkisborgari telst hlutgengur hafi hann keppnisleyfi útgefið af skrifstofu KSÍ. Ekki geta fleiri en þrír erlendir leikmenn frá öðrum löndum en Evrópska efnahagssvæðinu, Færeyjum og Grænlandi verið skráðir á leikskýrslu í 1. aldursflokki í hvert sinn í leik á vegum KSÍ. Leikmaður með breskt ríkisfang (England, NorðurÍrland, Skotland og Wales) sem fengið hefur útgefið keppnisleyfi hjá aðildarfélagi KSÍ fyrir 1. janúar 2021 (Brexit) telst ekki á meðal þeirra þriggja erlendu leikmanna frá öðrum löndum en Evrópska efnahagssvæðinu, Færeyjum og Grænlandi sem geta verið á leikskýrslu í 1. aldursflokki.

    Roughly in english it says:

    only 3 players from non-eu countries (greenland and faroe island are exempt) can be in match day squad. Players with british passport that were registered in iceland before 1 january 2021 are exempt from this rule.

    But there are no restriction on numbers or squad size. Players can use 1-99. outfield player can use 22.






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