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  • Koh Bong Jo and Naoyuki Fujita switched position

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Open Save Game: Basmal Aldriz - Tosu.fm

    Description of issue

    Trying the new J-League and found out that my midfielder Koh Bong Jo in Sagan Tosu is actually a goalkeeper in real life. Even weirder that in the history tab he is shown to be playing since 2010 while only being a 21yo. After looking into it turns out that his player data is switched with Naoyuki Fujita a 36yo midfielder who in FM24 is listed a reserve goalkeeper in Sagan Tosu with Koh Bong Jo attribute and history. Havent looked into any other players if there is a same case happening.







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    You can even see this on the J.League website he is listed as a goalkeeper.
    Another error I noticed was about the previous manager, the right manager is Kenta Kawai not Yong Koo-Lee, I think the name is switched too.

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