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  • Kits added with the in-game editor don't show custom kit images

    Ilici Man
    • Files Uploaded: Screenshot Public Status: Under Review Screenshot:

    Description of issue

    I have added kits to teams that do not have any. I have discovered that, in some cases, the added kits do not display the custom kits they should.


    If kits are created in the pre-game editor - they work fine

    If club has a kit already and I add a second using the in-game editor - the second kit will show the generic image, not the custom one from the kit pack

    If a club has two kits and I add a third using the in-game editor - same as before, the new kit will not show the custom image

    If a club has no kits and I add both of them using the in-game editor - they work fine.


    I have made sure that the "Allow licensed kits" options is checked

    It's not an issue with the config file or the images, all are added and created in the same way.





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