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  • NewGen name randomly changes after editing

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    This is a weird one, my save is in 2027 so there are some newgen players around. I have one of them on my team, a Brazilian player:

    Full name: Paulo Jorge Abreu Brasil

    Common name: Paulo Jorge

    Nothing out of the ordinary here, just a Brazilian guy with a Brazilian name. I used the In-Game-Editor to remove the "Jorge" from his common name, so he'd just be named "Paulo" - because I think that looks cooler. Just a cosmetic edit, nothing more. However... after a few clicks on "continue" that changed:

    Common name: Jonty

    Strange, no idea how that happened. I opened the editor again and changed Jonty back to Paulo. After a short while he once again had a new moniker:

    Common name: Murphy

    What? What is going on? I have now changed it back to Paulo Jorge, so basically an un-edit. We'll see what happens. Either way though, this cannot be working as intended, right? It seems to be more of a bug than a feature.



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    Certainly. I uploaded a file to the SI Cloud called "Paulo_please.fm"

    Please note he decided to change his name again, this time to Mustafa for some reason. So the un-edit was just another edit that Mustafa didn't like. This specific player has the ID r-2002075105, if that is at all interesting to your bug hunt.

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    Hello, we loaded up your save and changed the players name to "Paulo", continued for a month and didn't have an issues with it.

    We've not had any other reports on this, this most likely occurred for you because you have a custom database.

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    Strange, I don't have a custom database. I believe all I have added are graphics (faces for newgens, kits etc.), no teams, leagues, etc... so I highly doubt that. But if you could show me what I should delete to be sure to avoid this in the future that'd be much appreciated.

    Glad that it worked for you though. I'm about to start a new save on a new computer, fresh installation, no custom db. We'll see if this carries on.

    Edit: hang on, I have "Real Media Pack" that shows up when starting a new game. I'm guessing that's the culprit then... I'll lose that and see how I get on.

    Edited by Honecker
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