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  • Not All Eligible Players Appearing in Player Search

    • Files Uploaded: Screenshot Public Status: Under Review Screenshot:

    Description of issue

    So, I'm managing Thailand, and wanted to view players with Thailand as a second nationality.  I have the in-game editor, so went to player search and selected second national is Thailand, then in the editor '/' section I selected show all players, but only 1 appeared, which I thought was strange;

    See attached images. 

    A quick look at the editor, using the same second nationality search showed that there were hundreds of players meeting the criteria.  Obviously some of these players may not be in my database (although most are as I selected 'all Thailand players' during game set up). 

    For example, June Soonsup-bell did not appear in the in game player search, but clearly should have.  

    What am I missing here?

    FM24 player with thai nat.png

    FM24 Editor Player Search.png

    FM24 in game player search.png



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    54 minutes ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, can you please upload your save file to us.

    Done - file is called 'Player Search Issue - Thailand'. 




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    Hi @Sapa

    All players with Thai second nationality are loaded when Thailand is added upon game creation - that is when starting a normal game without any custom editor files.

    The save you attached is using a custom editor file - you should ask for help from the creators of the file.

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    On 17/06/2024 at 16:04, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hi @Sapa

    All players with Thai second nationality are loaded when Thailand is added upon game creation - that is when starting a normal game without any custom editor files.

    The save you attached is using a custom editor file - you should ask for help from the creators of the file.

    Thanks for the reply, Zach.  However, I think you misunderstand my issue - I likely didn't explain it well. 


    The custom files works fine - the issue is on the player search screen within the scouting menu.  When viewing players in game on the player search screen, a lot of players aren't appearing that should be.  I have the in-game editor and have selected "show all players", however players with Thai and second nationality are not appearing in the search results, despite there being around 30-40 of them - who are in game when checking on by one.  

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