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  • Changes to Serbia's second division not able to be verifyed

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    Upon changing anything in the advanced rules of Serbia you are granted with a message that an X team has no squad selected for match on a certain date (picture below). I've been told by one of the members that it's not related to the common issue so I should consiter reporting it. I am also goint to provide the datebase if it's of any help. Hopefully I get a response on this soon since I want to make just a slite change before starting a new save.


    _Serbia loan + eu.fmf


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    • Administrators

    Hello, thank you for flagging this.

    This has been logged internally, but we have a couple of simple options to fix the issue.

    1. Serbia → Fixture Rules → Rules 0 Super → Squad Registration Periods → Tick “Get Start Date From Competition Fixture Dates” → Add “Serbian SuperLeague” to Competition field.
    2. Serbia → Fixture Rules → Rules 0 Super → Squad Registration Periods → Untick “Squad Registration Initial Start Date” and Tick “Use Auto Squad Registration Start date”
    Repeat either 1. or 2. for the Serbian First League as well.

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