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  • Player transfers don't work as intended.

    • Files Uploaded: Other Public Status: Under Review Other: testtransfer.fmf

    Description of issue

    As you can see, I have transferred a player from a club to another. Added all the necessary changes (date joined/date last contract signed, etc).

    Going into the game, with the "original" database, the player appears in the new club as intended.

    Now, If I creat a new game with the "real world" option, the player stays at his old club and never moves to the new club. He doesn't even have a future transfer agreed.

    (PAOK is his old club, Aris is his new club)

    Am I missing something?

    editor changes.png

    ntelias aris.png

    ntelias paok.png


    User Feedback

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    I can confirm that even with the latest hotfix, the pre-game editor still has issues with the "real world" option, which is still bugged and the "real time" transfers happen in game but with wrong contract durations.

    If you have found anything that confirms that there is an issue with it, I would love to know at least that the team is after it.

    Thanks in advance!

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