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  • Players do not have a homegrown status outside of Europe and Japan

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Under Review Save Game: Simulation Simulationson - ADT

    Description of issue

    Any player who should have homegrown that are not in Europe or Japan do not have a homegrown status at all, and are not recognized as homegrown by the game. You can see the game version is 24.4 in this save I started with a random team from Peru. The latest update from a couple days ago was supposed to have fixed homegrown status issues, but it remains. This has been an issue since the update back in Febraury 29th. There are no steps needed to recreate this issue, there are no databases that could affect how the game is functioning. Simply a look at the information panel of any player who should have a homegrown status from nations outside of Europe and Japan will show that there is nothing. I add Takefusa Kubo as an example since he is one of the few if not the only player who can showcase how Europe and Japan maintain homegrown status. I originally raised this issue back in Febraury 29th, but it seems the problem I was talking about was either misunderstood or the team found a different bug regarding homegrown status and fixed it, but not the one I showed in the thread I made originally.





    I will also include the database I created for the original issue I posted in the other thread I created. While it does have a large amount of changes, the most important one is the added requirement of Homegrown players as a requirement for the leagues and cup competition. It will make it even more evident how no players are considering homegrown. In the first thread I created the possibility of it being an issue with the created database was suggested, but I hope this demonstrates this is an issue present in the base game. Peru_BaN_Final_v2.fmf


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    Hello @VoidVector

    Thank you for the information and files, we will investigate further.

    To answer your question on the other thread. It seems there was a miscommunication.

    We put in a fix for regarding homegrown status in our latest update, but it was a different issue that arose as part of the testing, NOT a direct change to fix the issue you originally raised, which is the fact that you added random rules that don't exist in real life in the editor and they are not working because the players do not have a homegrown status stored if the nation does not use such rules in real life.

    So your case is an editor issue rather than a Rulegroups issue.

    We apologise for the confusion.

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    En 16/4/2024 a las 11:29, Zachary Whyte dijo:

    Hello @VoidVector

    Thank you for the information and files, we will investigate further.

    To answer your question on the other thread. It seems there was a miscommunication.

    We put in a fix for regarding homegrown status in our latest update, but it was a different issue that arose as part of the testing, NOT a direct change to fix the issue you originally raised, which is the fact that you added random rules that don't exist in real life in the editor and they are not working because the players do not have a homegrown status stored if the nation does not use such rules in real life.

    So your case is an editor issue rather than a Rulegroups issue.

    We apologise for the confusion.

    Thank you for the answer, I know it's been some time but I hope the files I provided, both the save game and my own editor file can help track down the issue. If anything else is needed I will provide it, whether it be other files or more information.

    Like I mentioned, my editor file does have a large amount of changes, the only ones related to the nation itself being changing how a player gains the nationality by changing it from Consecutively to Accumulative, and bumping up the Youth Ranking a small amount. Other than that, all the changes are related to the league system, modifying the existing league as well as creating a multitude of lower divisions, as well as the finances of all these leagues.

    What I want to ask, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that the players should gain a homegrown status when homegrown rules are added to the rules of a nation but that is not happening? Or is the issue something different?

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