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  • Removing Future Transfers results in player with Free Transfer - Even When Clearing all Edits

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    Description of issue

    Note: Save Game file won't upload


    When removing a future transfer from a player in db in game the player will be set to free transfer in game.  The free transfer remains in game even after Clear all edits in db.  


    At first I only noticed it in players I had used editor to ADD a free transfer and later decided to remove it.

    I later noticed that it was also the case for players who initially had Future Transfer that I removed



    1 - Edited David Fratttesi - remove Future Transfer from Sassuolo to Inter and Edited club and transfer information (Club Contract info, Player History, Non Playing History and Past Transfers) to make him already Inter player).

    After edit Frattesi is at Inter but had Ftr icon next to name in Squad scree, Future Free transfer set for July 7 2024



    2 - Carlos Augusto - same.


    3 - this also happened with players I added a Future Transfer to and then decided to remove.  


    4 - When Future Transfer (and all other associated edits) are removed from Edited db, the player is still set for a transfer to originally designated club on originally deisgnated date, for free even though it is no longer in db (note I have not yet tested this with players like Frattesi and Carlos Augusto who had future transfer in default db)

    5 - Even when CLEAR all edits issue persists



    Note: Since Editor update I am unable to start a new game (thus i am unable to test to see if the above "bug" applies to Frattesi and others.  When I start new game and get to the Choose Managerial Style screen, but Confirm icons are greyed out and inactive.    I had the problem with the Future Transfer PRIOR to Editor update)


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    I was able to fix the issue.

    I did a FULL re-install, including removing ALL folders in:


    OS (C)-Games-Steam-steamapps-common- Sports Interactive - Football Manager folder


    Users-(UserName)-AppData-Local-Sports Interactive - Football Manager folder


    Uninstall FM24


    Reinstall 24


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    Same bug as you :mad: If I remove a Future Transfer on a player, the contract's player will be released at that date even if I remove all the data inside the editor.

    I checked that and it happens only in original mode and real world mode. The custom mode is free from this bug.

    After three weeks and the game still not enjoayable due on those bugs, damn!

    Edited by axel.pezzo
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