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  • Teams are set to Extinct when testing leagues

    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Under Review

    Description of issue

    when the database is loaded and rule files are being tested, then some teams change from being not extinct to extinct, and that causes the test to fail because not enough teams are found for a stage.

    Background: I imported rule files that I created with FM23 and worked fine in FM23. I have not tried recreating them, and frankly I don't want to because I already spent months creating rule files for the world in FM23.

    I can't say the import is the root cause. I have removed database changes, and it still happened.

    I tried 2 different rule files for different nations and it happened in both. Teams are not extinct.. run the test and they become extinct.. clear the test and they are not extinct again.


    Currently, this is blocking me from importing and verifying my rule files in FM24.




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    Update (and attached my rule file for the nation of Bahrain):

    It could be related to Nation of clubs as well. I noticed that when the teams are set to extinct, the nation they belong too does not show up anymore.

    To reproduce the issue, please load my rule file and then create test for Bahrain and run it. As soon as it starts, it will report that the Kings Cup does not have enough teams.

    The reason seems to be that the following 4 teams are set to extinct / no nation right away:

    - Ittihad Al-Reef (id=2000183542)

    - Buri (id=2000183543)

    - Umm Al-Hassan (id=2000183547)

    - A'ali (id=23092218)

    Clear the test results and they are back to "non-extinct"


    As I mentioned before, this happens also in other nation rule files for a number of teams. I cannot pinpoint a pattern as of now.

    (I also have not tried to create a rule file in FM24, it was an imported xml from FM23)




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    Another update:

    you don't even need to load editor data (rule file)

    - start the editor

    - create new test for any nation


    and lots of teams will have been set to extinct / no nation. It seems to  be an issue independent of importing xml editor data.



    Then Test Competitions > Create New Test




    2023-11-07 12_29_50-Greenshot.png

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    Final Update:

    as someone else pointed out, if you set the number of teams in required teams of the nation rules, then the teams for that division will not be set to extinct if you create the test (and verify the league).


    => so this is probably not a bug, but a change in the requirements for creating rule files. I can imagine teams are marked as extinct if they are not used in the game to improve performance. But that is just speculation. The main thing is, I can start converting my rule files :)

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    vor 2 Stunden schrieb Rygel16:

    Final Update:

    as someone else pointed out, if you set the number of teams in required teams of the nation rules, then the teams for that division will not be set to extinct if you create the test (and verify the league).


    => so this is probably not a bug, but a change in the requirements for creating rule files. I can imagine teams are marked as extinct if they are not used in the game to improve performance. But that is just speculation. The main thing is, I can start converting my rule files :)

    I'm facing the exact same issue and I would consider this a bug - a huge bug indeed, because I've got this issue with cups. And for cups, you are not setting the number of required teams in the Nation Rules.

    Example: I have a cup with 32 teams, the editor has a pool of 40 teams to pick (I use "Get All Teams From Division", so it's assured that there are always enough teams to pick from), but verification will fail, saying that only 19 of 32 teams can be found. Digging deeper into finding the solution, it turns out that lots of teams are being set to Extinct during the verification process.

    It's a FM23 file which I wanted to make run in FM24. In FM23, everything worked absolutely fine. This IS a bug, 100%.


    I decided to attach a Screenshot. There you can see German clubs from Schleswig-Holstein, after trying to verify the rules, all the clubs that don't have a country anymore have been extinct. But they weren't extinct before, it happens during the verification process, that's why too few teams are being picked.


    Edited by Kruj
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    Yes, it is legitimate to call it a (huge) bug, but I think it was done by design for performance reasons. If they disable teams that are not used, processing will speed up.

    Of course, we now have this ugly side effect. I too, have rule files with cups that draw teams from e.g. an inactive lower division.

    My workaround is to set the nr of teams for divisions that I didn't make rules for. That way the teams are not set to extinct.

    In your case you could set the nr of teams for "Amateurliga" to a certain value.

    It's a workaround! Not saying that it will be a happy solution for everyone. Of course I'd also prefer that all teams are untouched, and hopefully there will be a fix soon, but if it is done by design it may take a while before this gets reviewed and fixed at all.


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    Well, there are 1420 teams at the moment in "Amateurliga", but the highest number you can set in "Required Teams" in the Nation Rules is 1000. Which leads to the following error message:


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    Unfortunately, this hasn't been fixed with the latest Editor update... I hope we don't have to wait too long for this, since this effects lots of files of several creators.

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    • Administrators

    Hello, we have this issue under review. 

    For now, there is a workaround for this issue. If the following is done in this order before creating a new test, the teams in the added division will not be changed to extinct:

    Add Nation Rules
    Add Division (Should provide a number of teams)
    Convert to Advanced Rules

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    On 08/11/2023 at 00:09, Rygel16 said:

    Yes, it is legitimate to call it a (huge) bug, but I think it was done by design for performance reasons. If they disable teams that are not used, processing will speed up.

    Of course, we now have this ugly side effect. I too, have rule files with cups that draw teams from e.g. an inactive lower division.

    My workaround is to set the nr of teams for divisions that I didn't make rules for. That way the teams are not set to extinct.

    In your case you could set the nr of teams for "Amateurliga" to a certain value.

    Hi @Rygel16

    just to check I understand you correctly, if I have a cup and I set per level I take my teams from, it should work? Like this example, because that doesn't appear to work for me? I have 102 teams, while the game requests 100 teams. But maybe I am setting it wrong, so if you could explain the how-to in the editors hideaway, that would be very much appreciated.


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    vor 22 Stunden schrieb Zachary Whyte:

    Hello, we have this issue under review. 

    For now, there is a workaround for this issue. If the following is done in this order before creating a new test, the teams in the added division will not be changed to extinct:

    Add Nation Rules
    Add Division (Should provide a number of teams)
    Convert to Advanced Rules

    And what if you already have Advanced Rules? My file is from FM23 (where it worked like a charm) but after importing it into the FM24 editor, I got this issue.

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    On 15/11/2023 at 17:10, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, we have this issue under review. 

    For now, there is a workaround for this issue. If the following is done in this order before creating a new test, the teams in the added division will not be changed to extinct:

    Add Nation Rules
    Add Division (Should provide a number of teams)
    Convert to Advanced Rules

    This fixed my reserve league problem of not enough teams, but now they're not picking teams (I presume a different bug)

    The file came over from FM23 with basic rules and I made it advanced in the FM24 editor, just to add to the menagerie of problems.  I've attached it without resolving the problem (to resolve it I had to put in required teams as others did)

    T&T2024 adv.fmf

    Edited by V50
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    Here is an example for the nation of Bahrain. I have a cup that uses teams from premier and 2nd division. Normally it would make 4 teams from the 2nd division extinct.

    When I enter the number of teams here explicitly (see screenshot), then they are not set to extinct.


    So I think you have to add all divisions that you need for your leagues and cups with their number of teams in this list.

    I think minimum and maximum also work.




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    There is a solution, the clubs do not become extinct if the competition created with the teams created in the following route is added:

    Advanced rules/Country (spain for example)/Required teams

    You must add the maximum and minimum number of teams in the created competition.

    This may be a temporary solution while they fix the problem.

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