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  • [Bug] AI teams not registering 2nd keepers even with free slots

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game, Screenshot Public Status: Info Provided Screenshot: Save Game: Ad Leverkühn - En paro FM24

    Description of issue

    AI teams tend to leave keepers unregistered for the Premier League even though they have unused slots. Chelsea does it with Petrovic repeatedly and Liverpool does it with Adrián. Strangely enough they play him in cup games as you can see in the screenshot (?).




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    hace 4 horas, Zachary Whyte dijo:

    Hello, do you have a save file from before the registration period is closed?

    Yes. I have replicated the bug and apparently it happens all the time with Petrovic and Adrian (probably with many more players). The files are uploaded as follows:

    Ad Leverkühn - En paro test bug inicio4.fm

    Ad Leverkühn - En paro test bug inicio5.fm


    Edited by tonidopa
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    Hi, we've looked into your save, we don't believe this to be a bug.

    They may have unused slots but they have to leave them free to meet homegrown registration rules. In this case Liverpool and Chelsea both register a homegrown keeper over Petrovic and Adrian because there isn't much of a drop off between those players and the homegrown ones and they want to meet the registration rules.

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    hace 9 horas, Zachary Whyte dijo:

    Hi, we've looked into your save, we don't believe this to be a bug.

    They may have unused slots but they have to leave them free to meet homegrown registration rules. In this case Liverpool and Chelsea both register a homegrown keeper over Petrovic and Adrian because there isn't much of a drop off between those players and the homegrown ones and they want to meet the registration rules.

    That is clearly not true, as you can see by merely looking at the first screenshot. They have already met the homegrown quota (8 out of 25 registered) and yet they leave players unregistered. In real life, Liverpool and Chelsea had absolutely no problem in registering every player in the squad, but not in FM. Clearly a bug.

    Edited by tonidopa
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    Just for confirmation, I became Chelsea manager and selected my Premier League squad choosing every over-21 player in the squad. No problem at all as you can see in the screenshot.

    Captura de pantalla 2023-11-14 204504.png

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