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  • Newgen CA & Attributes: A dashboard for analyzing 50 years of data in FM24.2

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Open Save Game: Attr Sim 2023.fm + Attr Sim 2073.fm

    Description of issue


    In the recent years, there has been much discussion (and many memes) in the community about the quality of certain newgens, most prominently about the lack of fullbacks/wingbacks with adequate crossing attributes. Some numbers like the ones provided by Leo here showed that there appears to be some kind of issue about the newgen system: 

    As the sample size provided there was rather low, I've decided to run my own experiments with a larger database and over a longer period of time.



    My test setup started with only one league loaded, but most relevant players being added via the database settings. At the start of the game, there were 155691 players loaded.

    I've simulated the game until 2073, where the number of players dropped to 126608.

    I've then exported all stats (and ca/pa) of all U16 players for every 5 years, so for 2023, 2028, ..., 2073. Then, I've created a dashboard to visualize the results.



    As this appears to be the most controversial topic, let's get started with wing/fullbacks ability to cross and dribble:


    This dashboard includes the stats of all D(RL) and WB(RL) players from the save games from 2023 as starting point and 2073 as end point.

    The first row shows different graphs mostly about the current ability of the players to put the rest of the data into perspective. As you can see in the graph in the middle, both CA and PA drop significantly in the first five years and only recover slightly over the years (51.4 in 2023, 41.4 in 2028 and 43.5 in 2073). The boxplot to the left and the histogram + kde on the right also highlight the difference. The newgens have a higher standard deviation and look more like a gaussian distribution, but the mean is also shifted to the left.

    Now, when we take a look into the second row, the graphs show the stats for the "Crossing" attribute, we notice immidiately when looking at the box plot and the histogram that again the mean drops significantly compared to the start of the game. Visually, it's already easy to tell that the difference is even more notable then when only looking at the CA. In the middle, I've also added a second line to the graph, that calculate the "Expected Crossing" mean. This basically assumes that CA and Crossing are directly related, so that for example a 10% in CA should lead to a 10% drop in the crossing attribute. However, as you can see, the mean of the crossing stat appears to be a flat line completely unrelated to the CA.


    @Kyle Brown was so kind a chatted with the QA team about that topic earlier, as you can see here:


    When looking at the gathered data, this response by the QA team seems very strange. We can clearly see that newgens are not only weaker than those from the start of the game, but also that their crossing ability is even lower than is to be expected given the available CA.


    Now, this gets even weirder when taking a look at the dribbling attribute:


    The CA distribution obviously stays the same, but in the second row, we can see the attribute distribution of the dribbling ability. While the mean also drops slightly, it drop is way smaller then would be expected given the drop in CA. Also, compared to the crossing attribute, it actually correlated with the available CA. 



    I would highly urge the SI-Devs to take a deeper look into the system and check what's going on there. 

    I've published the dashboard here including the data here:


    And I've uploaded the 2023 and 2073 save games.

    I'll soon add some instructions and the required view to the repo so you can check wiht your own data.


    Best regards,




    User Feedback

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    It's been known that SI doesn't like players that play long-term saves. It's a purposeful decision to make the game worse as you progress through seasons. It forces you to buy their newer game as you get bored after playing the game a couple of seasons. Won't buy any of their games until they change this business practice.

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    On 21/01/2024 at 03:28, TheAwesomeGem said:

    It's been known that SI doesn't like players that play long-term saves. It's a purposeful decision to make the game worse as you progress through seasons. It forces you to buy their newer game as you get bored after playing the game a couple of seasons. Won't buy any of their games until they change this business practice.

    That's bollocks. 

    On another note, this is how you make a post - clear and illustrative. Hopefully these insights will be well received, even if they're not publicly acknowledged. 

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    Il 22/1/2024 in 17:58 , mellman ha scritto:

    That's bollocks. 

    On another note, this is how you make a post - clear and illustrative. Hopefully these insights will be well received, even if they're not publicly acknowledged. 

    No, actually it is true and yes, it is a common business practice.
    But let's pretend it's not.
    Every year the developers promise to fix this bug (as for many others) the year after.
    They release the game and the bug is still there. They ask for feedback, they ask for saves, they promise to take a look. Then they say the problem can't be fixed and promise to fix it the next year. And so on and so forth.
    They have already responded, for example, that they cannot fix the attribute spread in this edition. To my knowledge it is the same answer since 2019

    Whether intentional or not, the game is unplayable in the long run. Regardless of their good faith, SI has a problem with long term players

    Edited by DottorCaligari
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