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  • Players developing new positions

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game, Screenshot Public Status: Under Review Screenshot: Save Game: - Man UFC New positions

    Description of issue

    I have recently noticed players developing new positions without being trained in it or playing in the new position. I know that new positions cost CA so this could have a significant negative impact and I seemingly have no control over it. 

    In the screenshot you can see that Mainoo is suddenly accomplished as a RB, he has never trained for this position nor has he played in it. Andre developed to being accomplished as a CB and had also not trained for it nor played as a CB, 

    It's worrying if players CA are being assigned in ways that the player can't determine. 


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    Well, I have the same issue, don't know what's happening. My GK got a 5 month injury and then I noticed it had a red dot as a striker. I mean, what's going on ?

    A lot of players from my club and AI controlled clubs are getting super weird positions, completely different from their natural position.

    Can SI say something about this ? It's ruining my experience.

    Edited by mdanip
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    Any update? It's messing up my players' attributes and because of the extra CA needed to play different positions. Nothing that I am actively doing is telling these players to retrain and I'm not playing them in their new positions. One day they have no ability in a position, the next they're accomplished. 

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    Absolutely no reason for my ST(C) to have been training as a CB. I've definitely not changed him to this nor does his training show that he's been training as anything other than a ST(C)

    Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 21.26.11.png

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    • Administrators

    Hello everyone, we will need a save game from just before any position ability change take place in order to investigate why this occurred.

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    It's not that simple to do as there's no notification nor logic that I can discern with regards to when it happens. I've just had it happen to a new player who went from no ability at CB to accomplished without any intermediate steps. He was only a ST before that and of course his attributes have crashed across the board. 


    Could you provide some instructions as to how we can get a save game from just before this random event occurs?

    Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 17.12.08.png

    Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 01.32.18.png

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    • Administrators

    Hi @TheHuss

    I would recommend changing your save settings. Using Auto Saves and having a New File for Every Auto Save would be ideal for catching this.

    If you see a player suddenly change you can send us a previous/earlier Auto Save.

    Screenshot 2024-02-27 121823.png

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    On 27/02/2024 at 13:18, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hi @TheHuss

    I would recommend changing your save settings. Using Auto Saves and having a New File for Every Auto Save would be ideal for catching this.

    If you see a player suddenly change you can send us a previous/earlier Auto Save.

    Screenshot 2024-02-27 121823.png

    Hi, I've uploaded four saves. 21st Jan Scalvini is the position he is supposed to be (-Man UFC Newgen Scalvini no change.fm)  Trained and played as Anchor Defend. 28 Jan Scalvini is accomplished at LB (- Man UFC Scalvini changed 28.01.fm). 


    Feb 18, Marc Bernal has correct position ( - Man UFC Bernal No change 18.02.fm). Feb 28, no change to training and not played in his new position, yet suddenly accomplished at CB (- Man UFC Bernal Change 28.02.fm).

    Granted, these examples aren't as drastic as my Newgen ST going from no ability as a CB to accomplished seemingly overnight, but it seems clear that something is happening without my input and it doesn't seem as if this is what should be happening. 

    Hope the save files work and I can turn off weekly separate autosaves 

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