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  • Wage cap

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Under Review Save Game: Rob Evans - Málaga.fm

    Description of issue

    Is this a specific rule to malaga only or does every club have this as it does not state in the la liga rules you have to have a minimum wage cap
    its becoming a pain as i only have 13 players cant sign anymore as it goes over the budget  & my players aint exactly on massive wages  ive even had loftus cheek out for 5 weeks meaning having to call back my yougnster busto i was so lucky he aint on big wages otherwise he would also have to be left out
    Also if it is only specific to malaga does that wage cap increase as you win things or will it always stay at 675k?

    Also sent the game to the cloud if you need it                  Rob Evans - Málaga.fm
    Thanks in advance




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