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  • FM24 Match Engine - Thanks For All Your Feedback (Closed for New Issues)

    Kyle Brown
    • Files Uploaded: None Public Status: Announcement

    The Match section of the Bug Tracker will be closed off to any new issues following the FM24 Final Data Update.

    The Match AI section is always one of the busiest, with the engine itself being a key discussion point year after year. It’s no surprise that it’s the most frequently referenced aspect of the game on our Official Feedback Thread, and we would encourage you to still leave your feedback there going forward. While the Bug Tracker may be closed to new issues, we will continue to monitor your opinions and review your comments with future development in mind.

    We would like to extend a huge thank you and appreciation to those of you who offered their suggestions and provided input this year. We’re tremendously grateful for the passion that exists within the community we have. Your enthusiasm and willingness to contribute will help us shape the future of Football Manager.


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