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  • Player Competition Stats - clean sheets / goals per minute

    Josh Aston
    • Files Uploaded: Screenshot Public Status: Under Review Screenshot:

    Description of issue

    See attached screenshot:

    Jimmy Knowles has a goals per minute rate of 1 goal per 125 minutes.  Tobias Braney has a goals per minute rate of 1 goal per 142 mins.  Both fine.

    Next line down, it says that Knowles has kept 125 clean sheets this season and Braney 142, so it's obviously pulling goals per minute ratio into the article instead of looking at how many clean sheets have been kept by GKs.

    I mean it could just be shoddy journalism - you know what the UK media is like! :lol:


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    Turns out it's not just the above example, I've had similar with the below.

    The number of assists is correct when I click into the player profiles, but the top scorer stat is wrong (again the article is pulling the figures from the first statistic into the second statistic).


    Screenshot 2023-11-04 185834.png

    Screenshot 2023-11-04 190210.png

    Screenshot 2023-11-04 190246.png

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    On 08/11/2023 at 20:01, Zachary Whyte said:

    Hello, thank you for raising this, could you please upload your save file to us.

    You can see how in the link below.


    Thank you, I have uploaded this to the Cloud Service with the file name JA - U18s Player Bug.

    Unfortunately I didn't make a copy of my save file on the in-game date of this bug (17/11/2023) but this save file has an in-game date of 25/11/2023.

    Hopefully that still helps?

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