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  • Squad Stats not showing correctly on Squad View

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game, Screenshot Public Status: Info Provided Screenshot: Save Game: Manchester United.fm

    Description of issue

    Hi - I don't see this posted earlier unless it's in a different section. This issue existed in the Beta as well, but I don't see it resolved in the full game release now.

    Basically all of the squads stats (e.g. Appearances, goals, assists, etc), do not show the correct stats for that season. I do not know what they are showing, but it's generally like a random sample of 5-10 games and stats from those only instead of the cumulative season as it normally would.


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    • Administrators

    Hello @fm20

    This issue should have been fixed in our latest update.

    The issue is not reproducing for me when loading up your save file, perhaps your custom skin/files are interfering, can you try removing them?

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    From what I have seen last time I played, the number of appearances shown seemed like the number of friendlies. The issue was still in my save, although it was started in the beta. 

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