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  • Stats reset each season

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    Description of issue

    When looking for players during pre-season all stats are reset meaning I can't see how well they've performed in recent months and compare players based on their stats. I realise that the reset is probably because a new season has started but presumably this doesn't invalidate the value of the stats that were available 'yesterday' before the new season started. Stats should be available either on current or past season, and rolling x months basis too. Also it might be useful to be able to see how a players stats (e.g. xg) has changed over time (e.g. season to season).

    Not sure this is a bug - i.e. pretty sure it's a feature - but feels like a bug!


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    • SI Staff

    Could be the case as you've mentioned that it's due to a new season starting. It seems most likely. The QA team will check whether this is intended behavior or not. Thanks for sharing.

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    I'm pretty sure it's intended behaviour - always happens, irrespective of FM version. I think stats should be retained so that the user can select stats from current season, last season or see a rolling set of stats that are not affected by seasons ending/starting. Thanks.

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