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  • Goalkeeper injuries

    • Files Uploaded: Save Game Public Status: Resolved Save Game: Beta Male - Birmingham.fm

    Description of issue

    Two goalkeepers injured in back to back games, almost in the exact same way (in the engine)


    in the whole goalkeeper injuries seem way way way too high this year, almost every 4 weeks one of my keeper is getting injured (and neither of these are injury prone)


    Maybe I am just salty because it happened but it happening in the exact same way (cross from the right hand side into the keeper catching it on the 6 yard box then kicking it out to the left and going down) seems like a bug

    but that feels like it may need  investigating either way



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    On 01/11/2023 at 20:19, Zachary Whyte said:

    This is a known issue we're investigating, thanks for the save game and information. 

    If this issue is fixed, tag it as resolved.

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