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  • Free Kick Marking - Unmarked players yet again and defenders not even goal side

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    Description of issue

    Issue: I've raised this issue previously with no SI feedback despite many examples. In this case its a Portsmouth free kick, Watford have set their wall but you can clearly see 4 Portsmouth players un marked but all on side in line with the wall ready for the kick to be taken. The Watford defenders should be goal side marking the players.





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    @Sunstrikuuu Haha, its so stupid its funny and the keeper looking the wrong way is hilarious. I think at this point Im going to stop raising issues as they just arent getting any attention - it feels like a waste of effort. This is been highlighted as an issue for a long time and yet no-one in SI has commented about this issue at all.

    Focus will now be on FM25, in fact it feels to me that  FM24 was the poorest quality release for a long time even though the ME could have been the best

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