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  • Set-Pieces-Takers are screwed

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    Description of issue

    First of all:
    New Set-Pieces are a huge step forward and way better than old ones.
    Still it's so damn unfinished you should have waited another year....


    1. Setting the Checkmark "Set :Player XY: as the default taker from both sides
    --> It does not make the Player the default taker. It makes the whole list of Footers default.
    Marco Reus is set for both sides. If he is not on the field the game goes for the 2nd Right Footed Player on the list. Even if there is nobody on the list the game takes possible players who are Right footed.

    2. Players like Reus & Brandt are Both-Footed, yet they do Inswingers instead of Outswingers if checkmarked for 1.

    3. It's not possible to set Tactics if Players do Inswingers, although your tactic is Outswingers

    4.1 Players not in the Set-Pieces List are taking Set Pieces. Priority List is bugged.
    The Game always takes:
    Players on the List > Players not on the List but same Foot > Players from other Foot List

    Going for examples here:
    Borussia Dortmund
    Adeyemi, Bensebaini & Schlotterback are the only Left-Footers.
    I'm having none of them on my Set Pieces Takers.
    The game still makes them do my Corners, because I'm on Outswingers.
    When I set only Adeyemi to do Corners it still makes the others take them, if Adeyemi is on bench.

    My "Managerial decision" is:
    - Make Reus do Inswingers and all of my outswinger settings are obsolet
    - Put Schlotterbeck over Hummels into first 11 to have him for outswingers while on 3 Corners...

    Worst Case:
    Dortmund only has 3 Left Footers in their squad (Bensebaini, Adeyemi & Schlotterbeck),Possible none of them plays and you buy a left footed GK.
    He would take Set Pieces on a lot of ocassions :S


    Manager should be able to order the priorities by himself.
    e.g. I prefer Reus to do Corners as Outwingers since he has a strong left Foot.
    Or I want him to do Inswingers, but also adapt my tactic.
    I'd like to sort the priority myself like:
    Players on List Left Foot > Players on List Right Foot > Players on List Both Footed > Players not on List Left Foot
    Players on List Left Foot > Player best Corner no matter if on List or Not
    Player on List Left Foot > Player on List Both Footed > ....


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    Recommended Comments

    The delegated manager logic for set piece takers seems to be broken too. I have a handful of players with very high throw in stat and the assistant will only choose some dude with like 4 in that stat unless I manually override it.

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